"I thought I could but my tummy was too sore and so was my willy." I said starting to cry.

"How long have they been sore for?" He said guiding me into the building and taking the elevator up to our floor.

"Since this morning." I sniffled.

"Well we'll get you in a nice bath and if they still hurt in the morning we'll take you to the doctors."

Once in the apartment Papa took me straight into the bathroom and stripped me of the wet trousers as Dad made dinner.

I sat in the bath he had run as he went to put the dirty clothes in the washing machine.

"That was so embarrassing." I mumbled to myself.

"Well how do you think Zayn felt?" Papa asked as he came back into the bathroom.


"How do you think Zayn felt when he had an accident and you proceeded to make fun of him and then told Alex who also made fun of him. It caused him to have a panic attack."

After New Years when Alex and I made fun of Zayn I apologised but I wasn't truly sorry. However, now I know how embarrassed he must've felt and I actually do feel sorry for causing him to have a panic attack.

"M'sorry." I said, looking down ashamed.

"It's not me you should be apologising to." He said and then made me stand up so he could wrap a towel around me.



"You've only just turned nineteen. How do you know how to be a parent to someone?" I asked, it had been on my mind for a few days but I never had the chance to ask.

"I had to be the Dad for my six younger siblings growing up." He said and I nodded. "I changed all of their nappies, watched all of them take their first steps and in general I've always been good with kids."


"That's you dry, why don't you get ready for bed then come in and we'll play a family game of monopoly." He said.

I went and got my pyjamas on and then retreated back to the living room where everyone was already seated around the big coffee table that had the monopoly bored on it along with the pizzas Dad had made for dinner.

"Okay, we'll do this in teams." Dad said and I nodded.

"I'm with Papa!" Harry shouted from Papa's lap and snuggled into him.

"I'll go with Zayn." I said and Zayn looked surprised.

"I'll be in a team by myself." Dad pretended to cry. "I'm just kidding, I get to be the banker." He laughed.

"I'm sorry for making fun of you at Gran and Grandpas." I said, sitting next to Zayn as I realise I hadn't spoken to him that much since then.

"It's okay, I already forgave you." He said.

"I know but I was really horr-"

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