part 3

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"Get out of here you pervert"i said and i shocked him with lightning. "Guy get him and scram " i said and he did as told. I got out and put on my clothes. I went to kakashi's house and his team was there. "We need to talk about your mood swings" he said sternly. "You going to try to talk to me ha dont make me laugh"i said sassily. "Believe me people have tried to tie me down but didnt live to tell im an s- ranked criminal you might know me as the white death princess" i saod kaka gasped. "Your her" he said. "Im not staying ill go build me my own house outside of the leaf village"

Timeskip brought to u by duckbutt

I finished and susake was supposedly spying. I used a secret weapon to lure him out. My voice. He came out. To easy. "Susake what are you doing here" i said. "Uhh umm uhm"he stuttered. I started freezing him. "Enough kireina" lord hokage hokage. Shoot when did he get here. "Yes lord hokage " i said as i walked into the house.

Susake's p.o.v. aka duckbutt

Yes she will do nicely as for restoring my clan but then again she scares me. But shes really pretty and strong i just have to get her to like me

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