part 1

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Third person point of view
A girl from the tenshi clan was running at the speed of light toward the hokage. For her clan had just been murdered. By who? Her clan was murdered by the sound. She will always have a hating for the sound.
Kireina point of view
I burst through a window in the hokage's room. Weapons were threw at me but were frozen by no other than me. The looks i got were suprised.
"Lord hokage"i said he looked at me and smiled. "Kireina dear what brings you"lord hokage said sweetly. "My clan was murdered by sound ninjas" i said i didnt show emotion though terrible things happen when i show emotion. "You can reside here your guardian will be kakashi hatake." he doesnt sound bad." summon kakashi". Then kakashi appeared.

You called

Yes this girl is kireina tenshi she from the tenshi clan.

Yes okay"kakashi said then pulled out a perveted book. I froze it and shattered the pieces.

Noooo my poor baby its the only thing i cared about"kakashi cried.

Shut it or youll be next"i said and he gulped.

Well its time for you to meet teem seven.

When we arrived two people shouted and i froze their mouths close.

Shut it or ill freeze your hearts" i said and they looked scared. I unfroze their mouths.

"They are..."kakashi started

I alredy know susake uchaha sakura  hurana and naruto uzimaki im kireina tenshi stronger than anybody get in my way ill crush you.

A tree grew under me and i rested up their.

"Hey how come she gets to rest?"he said but i froze his mouth again. "Enough"kaka said trying to look scary. "Did you order me."i said looking like a murderer. I swear it looked like they had wet their pants. "Why dont you go home to your parents you brat." sakura said. My emotions started acting up and i broke down crying. Winds got stronger. Trees broke. Lightning struck the ground. It was hailing. Screams were the only thing you could hear. Then it stopped they. They looked at me like i was a freak. "Stop looking at me."i said. They kept staring. "I said stop looking at me. " i said in a demonic voice. I dissapeared to a place noone can find me. I started to sing. People say compared to angels i was higher of course i was the strongest in the clan and i come from the most powerful clan.

     Kakashi's p.o.v.
"Kakashi's im scared of her"naruto said. "So am i"i said i almost peed my pants. Then team guy came jogging up. "Hey kakshi wanna train our teams together." guy said. "Yeah sure". Then kireina came back.

             Kireina's p.o.v.

I came back to my team. Then this guy walked up to me.
"Will you be my girlfriend i will always protect you." lee said. "No" i said. "But why you look so sweet." he said."say that again" i dared. "You looked sweet" i walked to him and puched him throughm 30 trees. "Leeeeee how incredibly unyouthful where are her parents i need to have a stern talking to them"it happened again. It always happens. "Shut up your not worthy enough to talk of them you basterd" i screamed "ill destroy you"i yelled. I felt chakra chains ha like that can hold me. "Lava storm" i yelled. No one can block that. "Enough " i heard a lord hokage yell i called off the storm. "What is the cause of this" he said. "I have no idea " guy yelled. "He talked of her parents"kaka said. " you mustnt do that kireina is comes from a very clan and she is the strongest out of them all " he explained. Sasuke walked up to me and was within arms reach of me. To close. Before he got any closer i punched through 10 trees. They all looked at me suprised. I simply walked of i was on fire litterly. I went to cool off. I went to the place to take a bath. It was good until lee burst in on me. "Ahhhh"i screamed. "Guy might to the rescue

   To be continued




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