Meeting Dr Cullen

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**Cry Me a River by the one and only JT, b|c... well, you'll see ;)**


Gold eyes, gold eyes looked down at me, everything hurt but those gold eyes are all I focused on.

I felt something run down my forehead, I was almost sure it was blood.
He looked.... hungry...
I wanted to say something, I opened my mouth but the darkness overcame me and soon I couldn't see anything at all.

Spots of darkness were what I saw first before my eyes adjusted to the artificial lighting and started making out shapes. I heard a beeping sound come from somewhere beside me and the strong scent of antiseptics immediately told me where I was.

I recognised the hospital room from my many visits here.

"Sophie? Thank God!" I heard a familiar voice yell.

My father's tired face came into view.

"Doctor! Doctor!"

Another face came into view and I could have sworn I just died and went to heaven because the being in front of me must have been an angel.

"Hi." The blonde perfect angel spoke. "I'm Dr Cullen, I'm filling in for Dr Smith. How are you feeling Sophie?"

"Dr Cullen?" I asked. It was the first thing that had come to my mind, this must have been the Cullen's adoptive father. Wow, did he adopt kids solely based on their unbelievable beauty because he, himself, was like a modern day Adonis. Sierra would surely go crazy when I told her about him.

"Is she going to be okay doctor?" My father asked him, saving me from my stupor as I stared at the handsome doctor.

Dr Cullen studied my face in concentration as he shone a light in each of my eyes.

"I should think so. She was lucky not to sustain any serious injuries. Just a bump on her head, she's going to have to wear this bandage until her wound heals. It's good that she made it out of that car in time." He smiled at me. "I hear you're a regular here."

I felt the blood rush to my cheeks. I guess my reputation as 'Seattle's klutz' precedes me.

​​​​​​"You're a tough one Miss Lockwood, a crash like that could have easily killed anyone else."

He turned to face my dad to tell him about my medication.

I tried to gather my thoughts and remember what brought me here and what had happened.

I remember crying, I was mad, no... I was sad because I had let down Ryan again. While I was driving my tears were blurring my vision so I reached over for a tissue and lost control of my vehicle, then...

"Emmett." I blurted out.

They both looked at me.

"Who's Emmett, kiddo?" My dad asked in confusion.

"My son." Dr Cullen said, turning to look at me curiously. "What about him?"

"H-he pulled me out of the car." I said. "He...?He..."

"Kiddo, don't you remember?" My father asked cutting me short.

"Remember what?" I asked in confusion.

"You managed to text me after you crawled out of your car. There was no Emmett"

I knitted my eyebrows in confusion. "No, Emmett-"

"Emmett was home with me when I got called in, Sophie." Dr Cullen spoke.

I shook my head. "No. I know what I saw, I saw-"

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