Taylor must've caught my worried expression because she was quick to give me reassurance.

"No, no, it's not bad." She said, giving me a small smile.

"Okay then what is it?" I said, smiling genuinely now in a half-laugh half-breath of relief.

"Well, I have a date tonight." She said, looking at me like 'date' was a swear word.

"Oooooooh, Taylor's got a boyyfrienddd." I gasped, teasing her but with a smile stretching from ear to ear. I really was happy for her, she deserves to go on a date.

"No." She said sharply before I had time to say much more. I was immediately silenced and the smile fell from my face. I noticed her trembling hands and suddenly got worried again. I watched her gulp and take a deep breath.

"Girl. It's a girl." She said softly, not making eye contact with me. I was confused before I realized what she meant, then I felt my face flush. She had a girlfriend, not a boyfriend. My cheeks were red hot and Taylor was studying the countertops. I stood there for a minute trying to comprehend what she was saying. So many questions were invading my mind.

"So, um, are- are you?" I started after a pause, not knowing what to say.

"I don't know. All I know is that I fell for an amazing girl." She answered finally making eye contact with me.

I finally forced the smile to return to my face for Taylor's sake. On the inside I didn't know how to feel, my mom, who I thought I knew, just dropped a bomb on me. I would love her no matter what, but this was unexpected. I was floored.

My emotions were all over the place as we sat there. Taylor's gaze eventually returned to the counter and I was intently studying my hands.

After a long silence I finally let a genuine smile take over my face and let out a breathy giggle. Taylor deserved happiness, and no matter what I was feeling in that moment, I would never take that away from her.

"Ooooooh, Taylor's got a girlfrienddd." I said in the same tone as last time. Taylor finally broke into a shy grin and she started to blush.

"Stop it." She said, softly nudging my arm. The awkwardness died down a little as we joked with each other.

"She'll be here at 7 tonight." Taylor said in a more normal tone.

"What are you wearing?" I asked, intrigued.

"Well how about I model it for you?" She said, leading me into her room where we found her walk in closet. I sat on her bed while she changed in the closet. The whole time my stomach twisted itself in knots. How was I supposed to feel? I was going to be nervous if it was a boy, and now? It was completely unexpected, and to me, unexpected is scary.

I took a breath and told myself that Taylor was fine. She was a big girl and I should trust her judgement in women, or men for that matter.

Five hours later Taylor was finishing doing her makeup and I was sitting at the kitchen table frantically scrolling through Twitter, trying to distract myself.

When there was a knock on the door the butterflies in my stomach went crazy. This wasn't even my date and I was nervous.

"Caroline, can you get that? I'll be right out." Taylor yelled from the bathroom. I sighed, put my phone down, and felt my heart pounding in my chest as I walked towards the door.

I firmly held the door handle in my trembling hand and took a deep breath before swinging it open.

All my nerves were calmed when I found Karlie Kloss standing on the doorway in a long black dress with a bouquet of roses in her left hand.

In that moment everything made sense. Of course Taylor fell for Karlie. They were perfect.

"Hey Care." Karlie said with a big smile. She pulled me in for a one armed hug with her left hand still grasping the bouquet. I sighed in relief and let myself relax into the hug.

"Hi Karlie." I said, a real grin on my face.

"These are for your mom." Karlie said, gesturing toward the roses. I didn't respond, I was overwhelmed with relief.

"Do you have a vase I could put them in for her?" She asked. It took me a while to compose myself and get my thoughts in order before I could process what she was saying.

"Uh, yeah." I said. Making my way to the kitchen cupboard.

"There's one way at the top I don't know if I can reach it." I said sheepishly, feeling too many emotions at once to focus on a vase.

"I think I can get it." Karlie laughed, effortlessly pulling the vase down from the highest cupboard.

I stood there, beside myself. I was still taking all of it in. Taylor walked out in a gorgeous gold dress as Karlie was filling the vase with water from the sink.

I observed the body language of both of them. Taylor smiled upon seeing Karlie. Karlie blushed when she saw Taylor's heart eyes.

"Hi Tay, I'm helping myself to a vase for these roses." Karlie said to Taylor.

"You didn't need to get me flowers!" Taylor said, taking the roses and putting them up to her nose.

Karlie continued to fill the vase and Taylor put the roses in when she was finished. I felt so stupid, how did I not see this before? They had so much chemistry. Still, the butterflies in my stomach didn't stop.

After the roses were safely in the vase they hugged as they had done hundreds of times before, but this time it was different, this time everything clicked.

"Alright Care, I'll be back in a few hours there's food in the fridge for supper." Taylor said, pulling me out of my thoughts.

We said goodbyes and they were out the door, hand in hand, leaving me with my thoughts.

Who would've guessed it would be them? Taylor hadn't been in a relationship since before I knew her, and now she was out on a date with her best friend. I was still reeling from the unexpectedness of it all, but I wasn't so nervous now. Karlie would take care of Taylor, she'd never hurt her. I grinned to myself as I made a microwave supper and then all night until Taylor got home.


Author's Note

It's finally here! This is the final part of the series and it's about growing up, life shifting and changing (obviously), and the same mother-daughter moments as in the previous parts. I hope you all like it, I've already got multiple chapters written and it is turning out good! I'll be updating each Saturday from here on out and I'll let you guys know of any exceptions!

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