“We could all catch up, sometime next week. Night.” And with that Bella walked out the door. 

She was breathtaking. I like her because she is really nice, kind and friendly not to mention how beautiful she is.

Bella’s POV

I think I’m in love with Harry. He’s perfection, no guy I have ever met has ever been perfection. He really opened up to me, and I was really surprised about that. Most guys I’ve been out with don’t open up to me until a few dates later.

I’m really excited about meeting Ruby, to what he told me Ruby seems like a very nice, special, beautiful girl. 

The dinner, Harry and myself cooked was really good. I’m not very good in the kitchen, so I’ll observe and eat the food. The dessert was even better, the chocolate pudding with whipped cream, ice cream and berries was to die for. It like melted in my mouth.

I drove off towards my flat which was in the bad part of London. I’ve never come home this late before so I hope I get safety in. Most of the druggy people, drunks and prostitutes lived around here, I always kept to myself not looking at them when I walked past. I always locked the windows and doors when I was home. I parked my BMW in the car parking lot and walked up to my place. Boy, did I get a shock when I got up there. The front door was wide open and from the looks of things, the place was trashed too.

Not wanting to be here just in case of the person who trashed it still being there I dashed to my car and taking off. Tears streamed down my face, I thought about everything that was in there. My family photos, Macbook Pro, iPad, Dancing trophies, all of my dancing clothes and costumes. 

I had no where to go. I drove as quickly as I could back to Harry’s. I didn’t want to call Simon because I thought he would call my Dad telling him what’s just happened. When I got back to Harry’s, there were a two other cars. Not thinking, I knocked madly on the front door. Harry opened it with a smile on his face, when he saw the tears his face changed.

I jumped into his arms, crying. 

“Bella, what’s happened? You only left 15 minutes ago.” Harry whispered into my ear. My cries were muffled by his shirt. 

“Everything is gone. Gone.” I cried.

He shut the door and carried me into the living room that I had been in that same night. I could hear other voices, but they stopped when we came into the room.

“Bella, what do you mean everything is gone?” Harry placed me on the couch. I looked to see Liam Payne and Niall Horan from One Direction sitting with worried faces.

“I live in the bad side of London, where all of the druggy people, drunks and prostitutes live. Anyway, my flat was broken into. From what I saw from the door, everything was trashed.” I cried.

“It will be okay Bell. You can stay here as long as you like.” I hugged her, while Liam cocked his head to the side. 

“C’mon let’s get you up to bed.” Harry held my hand and walked me away from Liam and Niall. I did feel a bit rude to them because I didn’t even say who I was. They probably knew anyways, right?

We walked up the stairs, this place was getting bigger by the second. 

“Well, you can sleep here. It use to be Louis’ room, but he and Eleanor moved into together.” Harry spoke, while I looked around the bedroom we had reached.

“Thank you Harry.” I smiled at him, my make up was probably ruined from crying.

He nodded and walked out of the room I was just left there. I felt safer here than in my little flat. The bedroom was quite a big size. There was a walk in robe and a ensuite connecting on. 

“Here I got you some clothes. I’m not sure if they will fit you, there Ruby’s.” Harry passed me the clothes. They were soft and silky. 

“Thanks Harry. We’ve had a lovely night and I ruined it by this.” I threw my hands up in the air, as tears began to pour out of my eyes like a waterfall.

Harry pulled me into a hug, “Baby, it’s gonna be alright. I promise, you can stay here as long as you want.” We laid down on the bed, Harry’s arm wrapped around my waist, I began to drift off to sleep when I heard Harry whisper, “I will always protect you Bell.”

* * *


It's extremely hot in Melbourne, Australia.

Today, which is Wednesday is 41 degrees *C and 98 degrees *F

Thursday: 43 degrees degrees *C and 109 degrees *F

Friday: 44 degrees *C and 111 degrees *F

I hope you have enjoyed this new chapter. 

- - - > Picture of dress Bella wore.

As I mentioned in my Author's Note, this book is coming to an end. 

I'm putting up a new book when this one has finished.

Thank you all for reading and following!

thanks. bye.

~jac_kate~ xx

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