Part 13

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I wake up and I'm in an unknown place. The bed is bigger than a hospitals but there is a cool breeze on me. I suck in the smell. Salt. Defiantly still on the boat. I open my eyes and it's so bright so I close them again. Then I remember. I bolt upright. I'm dressed and running down the halls in a second. I run into Jake and Nicks room. Jake, Nick, Simon, Hale, Chip, and TJ all stand there. I sigh. None of them look hurt badly. TJ shuffles toward me and it's then that I relies that he has a hurt ankle. I gulp. I stare wide eyed at it.

"What did I do?" I say.

"Nothing. Just pushed me too hard. Fell on it wrong. Don't worry." He says. I nod stiffly. I turn to look at the others.

"How did you sleep?" Jake asks. I shrug. I don't feel overly tired right now but I think I will then. I sit next to the door. I don't know why there is all of this tension in the room. The only time I've ever seen these guys this tense is when my after is here. Then I notice something. An extra breathing pattern. One I know very well.

"John, when you decide to show yourself I'll be here." I say. He walks out with a wicked smirk on his face.

"Took you quite a while to notice me." He says.

"I knew you were there the minute I walked in. You should really control your breathing." I snap at him. He has no right to question my skills. Expectantly when I'm better than he is.

"Oh Kat. You know not to lie to your father." He says.

"You are not my father. Nor a friend." I say. I can't stand this. He is tormenting me and he knows it.

"Oh you can't change the fact that I'm your father. You just can't. Weather you like it or not I got your mom pregnant and that means I'm your father." He says. He thinks he can win this battle. He is wrong.

"No John. I'm 18. I can change my name and anything on my birth certificate if I want." I say.

"Still won't help the fact that no matter what paper says you still have my blood coursing through your veins. I made you. And now you will listen to me." He says. And then I blew.

"YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO CALL ME YOUR DAUGHTER. IF I WAS THEN YOU WOULDN'T HAVE LEFT!" I scream at him. I walk toward him to slap him but gentle hands draw me back. I struggle against them. I know it's Hale that is holding me but I'm too far gone.

"I think you are done here." Jake says.

"You have no authority here boy. You can't tell me what to do." John says.

"But I can. Because no matter what the paper says I'm still better than you. Now get out. And that's an order." I say. I'm tired of him. I'm tired of this. I rip away from Hale and grab my fathers arm.

"If your helicopter isn't here your going overboard." I say. He shivers. Then we make it to the deck. I trow him into the seat in the back of the helicopter. Then I go and talk to the pilot

"Hi I'm Katrina Burns." I say. His eyes widen and he straightens.

"Anyways. If he come within a mile of this ship again I will blow him up. Ok?" I say. He nods. I smile falsely and step away. I walk all the way to the cafeteria before I sit down. My breath is ragged and I'm breathing hard. I close my eyes. I can literally feel the steam coming out of my ears. I hear somebody sigh beside me.

"Ok just say it." I say. I open my eyes to see Hale beside me.

"Say what?" He asks.

"Say that I need to forgive him. Say that I need to stop pushing him away. say that I need to get him in my life because he is the only one I have left. Say something." I say.

"Not after what I saw today. He was abusing you with his words. Even I'm surprised you held out that long. You deserve better. And you have me. Not nobody. But our whole gang. Me, TJ, Jake, Nick, Simon, Chip, and even Josh." He says. I lean my head against him.

"Thank you." I say. He doesn't respond just sits there in silence.

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