Part 12

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I wake up at six this morning. I know we don't arrive at the dock until 3 but I want to be ready. I get up careful not to wake up Hale. I take a shower and change into jeans and a t-shirt with a huge heart on it. I make sure to curl my hair because I don't want to have to do that later. I clean up the room. Apparently the hotel in which we are staying at already has clothes for us there. At about 7 the guys start to show up. They are quite surprised to see me. They also know not to talk to me right now. I'm prepping for the con. When 8:30 comes along I join them on the porch. I sit on Hale. He smiles and wraps his arms around me.
"Are you all ready?" I ask.
"Yes. We are ready." TJ says. I nod and look out to the water. I can faintly see land up ahead. I just stare at it for a while.
"Um Kat?" Jake asks. I turn toward him. He points to my room. Nick and TJ are going through my drawers! I quickly stand up. I get to them and I grab their ears. They almost scream. I pull them out to the deck.
"Never go through my stuff. Especially today." I say. Then I trow them to the deck below. They land with a groan.
I head back to Hale and he smirks at me.
"Don't give me that look. It's time to get off the ship. Let's go." I say.

Nobody noticed when Hale slipped in and convinced the security guard that he was a client. Nobody noticed the brothers flying a plane above the museum. Nobody noticed Simon hacking the computers and shutting down the security where the Gem was. And nobody noticed the tiny girl with jet black hair slip into that section. Hale was in the main office distracting the people there while I get in and out. I open the case to the gem. My breath stops. The beauty of the gem is amazing. I quickly change it out and replace it with the fake one. Then I slip out. Simon puts back on the security and meets me outside. Through the ear pieces I can hear Hale leaving. Then we all meet at the park. A rope comes down and we climb up in the helicopter. Then were off. We make it back to the ship quickly. And soon were heading out again. I hate this ship. We have a meeting and I bring the gem. My dad is there.
"Here. Now. Never ask me to rob that place again." I say. It's my number one rule. Never con the same place more than once. We talk and soon the con is over with. We all head to dinner to celebrate a job well done. Today they are serving chicken pot pie. Now I really hate that. I think it is gross. So I just eat some carrots and a brownie.
"So Katrina why are you so quiet?" Hale asks.
"Something doesn't feel right. Then again. It never does." I say. I make my way to the gym and do a pretty easy exercise. I just end up running on a treadmill. I know they are staring at me. And I know why. They just don't know that I know that they don't know that I know.
"No." I say before anyone can say anything.
"What?" Jake asks.
"I said no. I'm not going on a date with Hale. Not this early. And no I will not forgive my father." I say.
"Oh come on! How did you know those were the two things we were here about?" Nick asks.
"I'm a con artist. The best. You can't lie or con me. Never have been able to never will be able too." I say.
"I bet we could for a week." Simon challenges.
"Care to make a wager?" I ask.
"Fine if we win then you have to wake up every morning for a week at 5:30." they say. I glair at them. They know better than to mess with my sleep.
"And WHEN I win you will have to be my slaves for a week. Obeying me. Serving me." I say. I smirk.
"Fine." Jake says. I shake hands with each of them. Then they go and find Hale. I head to the gym. The only thing there is the bar for pull ups.
"You." TJ spits through his teeth bursting through the room.
"You are eating now." He says. I stare at him. How did he know?
"No." I state when I regain my senses.
"Yes. How do you think your mom would react if she saw you like this?" he asks. I clench my fists. Calm down. Don't loose control.
"You know nothing about my mother. And if she was here she would be proud." I say. Anger courses through my body. Hale bursts through the door.
"Dude back off if you want to live." Hale says.
"It amazes me why you guys are so afraid of a girl half you size. I mean look at her. She probably couldn't even. .." He stops when I press the barrel of my gun to his temple. He knows he's gotten the rise he wanted from me. And I know it to.
"Shut up." I seethe.
"No. Because you won't shoot me. You can't. You want to know why? Because, your mom wouldn't. She wouldn't. She would be very disappointed in you." He says looking me dead in the eyes.
"You know nothing." I say my finger dances on the trigger.
"I think you are the clueless one. Maybe you should re-evaluate your mum." He says.
"I CANT! DONT YOU GET THAT! SHE IS DEAD! AND ITS BECAUSE OF YOU!" I scream. He smirks. When I lower the gun. I'm better than this. I know I am. I tremble as I shrink to my knees. I'm swimming in anger and I don't know if ill drown. Don't loose control. Calm down. But I can't. And the next thing I see is red. A lot of it. God help whoever I pummel.

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