Part 11

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I don't know how long I stood in his arms. I was either crying or just listening to his breathing. But I do know that the other guys left. I know because the door closed and before that Hale chuckled at something and shook his head. I don't pull back. I just stand there. I hug him tighter. And he rests his hands on the top of my back keeping me in place.

"I'm sorry." Hale says. I just nod I don't have the energy to move. Not now. He picks me up which surprises me. I burry my head deeper into his neck. Then he lays us on the bed. I just lay there. There are no words I need to say. Or any he needs to say either. I finally slip into sleep.

When I wake up Hale is still laying under me. I sit up slightly and take a deep breath.

"What time is it?" I ask.

"5:30." he says.

"I was out for five hours? Why didn't you wake me? Why didn't you leave? Didn't you get tired of me? Why didn't you go hang out with the boys?" I ask.

"I didn't want to." he states simply. I roll my eyes. I get out of the bed and re-tie my hair up. Then I head to Jake and Nicks room. Everyone of the guys is there. They are playing poker with chips. Hmmm.

"So who's winning?" I ask. They all turn to me.

"We'll look who finally awoke from her slumber." TJ says. I stick my tongue out at him.

"Shut up." I say.

"So you feeling ok now? Or are you going to cry more?" Jake asks. Nick slaps the back of his head. See this is why I never show any emotions.

"I would shut you mouth if I were you." Hale says. I smirk.

"Hale! So, man how was sleeping with her?" Nick asks. My jaw drops. They did not just say that. Don't they know me? I would never. I angrily storm out of there. If they are going to treat me like a slut then I'm leaving. I would never ever do that. Especially on a boat! Do they know me at all? I head to the shooting range and grab my gun. I shoot a few rounds. That's when I hear the sound.

"You should know to leave me alone. Especially after what just happened." I say.

"Oh come on Nick was just teasing." TJ says.

"I don't do teasing TJ." I say.

"I know. Trust me I know." He says.

"Then leave." I say.

"No can do." He says.

"Why?" I inquire.

"Because your boyfriend wants me to make sure you don't go into the gym. He's planning a date I think." TJ says.

"I told him not to. I have to worry about the con. I told him after the con and after we get of this boat." I say. I slam down my gun and leave. I don't know where I'm going but I know that I'm going to find Hale or one of the guys and put a stop to this. I find Jake first.

"Jake!" I yell. I run to catch up to him.

"Umm hey." He says.

"Look I need to talk to Hale. Where is he?" I ask.

"I can't tell you. He told me not to." Jake says.

"Jake I need to tell him something. Where is he?" I ask.

"I'm sorry Kat I can't tell you." He says. Fine. I walk to the gym. There are big red lines over the doors. I see Hale through the tiny window. I try to open the door but it's locked. TJ finally caught up to me.

"Hey! Kat. stop. You can't go in there." He says.

"I need to talk to Hale." I state simply as I look for a window or something to break the glass with. I see Simon about to go into the other entrance.

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