Part 4

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I somehow make it to the kitchen. I don't want to talk to anyone. Not even Chip. I sit in a corner of the kitchen and think. I can't be mad at Hale. He did nothing wrong. He just didn't tell me that TJ was sick. Then again he didn't tell me and I have been mad at TJ for no good reason. But I still can't be mad. Hale did what he thought was right. Right? I trow my head against the wall and groan. I look at the clock and it says 12:30. I groan again because I have another 8 hours before I can go to bed and not look weird. I stand up and brush off the dust from my butt. Then I walk out carful to avoid all of the guys. I walk down the hallway to the dining room.

"Where did she go?" Hales voice rings out.

"I don't know." TJ says. I freeze. I quickly walk down the next hallway. I'm not mad I just need time to process this information. It's how I work. When I'm told something that has to do with my mom I either cry because of the memories. I get mad because they lied to me about something. Or I get told something I don't know how to react to so I just run and hide. I hear them walk by the door to the room I'm in. I freeze. I wait until their footsteps are gone and then I peek out the window. Nobody in the hall. I just have a 3 minute walk before I'm back at my room. I walk for about 2 minutes and then I freeze. Somebody is following me. I haven't turned back at all. But when ever I turn a corner their is a teenager behind me. I haven't looked hard enough to know if its one of the boys or not. I turn another corner and I see that it's Simon. I breath a sigh of relief. When I reach my door I open it to find the rest of the guys standing next to the hall.

"Simon sucks at tailing me." I mumble before I slip past Nick and Jake. I go past TJ and can feel him staring. Then I reach Hale and he stands in front of me.

"Are you mad?" He asks. I just step to the side and keep going. I reach the bedroom and notice nobody followed except Hale.

"Katrina are you mad at me?" He asks grabbing my elbow.

"No." I say flatly.

"Then tell me what's wrong." He says his voice softening. I rip my arm out of his hold.

"No." I say. Almost in a whisper.

"Katrina.." He says.

"Look Hale it's been a long day. I'm not mad. I just need some alone time. I'm going to the pool. So leave so I can change." I say.

"Fine but I'm going to the pool with you." He says.

"What part of alone time don't you get?" I ask.

"Hey I just said I was going to the pool. Never said I would talk to you." He says. I shrug and pull of my shirt. He pulls off his shorts. I walk over to the door and lock it before dropping my pants so I can change. I turn around and pull off my undergarments and slip on a purple bikini. It has a very simple design. I then slip on one of Hales shirts and turn around. I grab a towel and tie my hair up into a ponytail. I wait for Hale at the door. Then I open the door and Jake, Nick, TJ, and Simon fall onto the ground. It was pretty obvious that they were eavesdropping. I roll my eyes and step over them. I walk down the hallway and into he gym. I walk to the other side. I open the pool door and almost instantly the smell of chlorine hits my nose. I love that smell. I used to swim so I kind of grew to love it. I strip out of Hales shirt and dive in. I reach the surface again. When I do I notice something watching me. I turn to see Hale extremely close to me in the water. When did he get here? I back up and he steps forward. We keep repeating the actions until I feel the ground drop below me. I jump forward onto Hale. He chuckles but holds my waist. I may have been a swimmer but since I'm on a boat and the floor just dropped I kind of regret getting in. I feel Hale kicking which means he can't reach either. I look to the side and notice were in the 12 foot area now. I start to get nervous.

"Hey calm down. You won't drown. Ill save you." Hale says noticing my nerves. I nod slightly still not convinced. He grabs my chin making me look him in the eye.

"Nobody will hurt you." He says. I nod. Ok confession time. On all of the missions that Hale and I have been on he has asked me to have real sex with him. Me being the dumbo I am thought it was his hormones. Now I know it wasn't. Ok I got that off of my chest back to the story. Oh by the way I always said no.

He pulls me into a tight hug. My breathing is still off and my eyes are wide open but I hug back resting my head in his shoulder. I drop my legs from his hips and he sighs. I pull back slightly.

"Turn around." I say. He raises an eyebrow but turns around. I jump onto his back.

"Piggy back ride!" I shout like a little girl.

"Katrina I haven't seen this side of you in a long time." Chip says. I spin Hale around to see a smirking Jake and Nick. TJ and Simon are there too just not smirking. I smile and fold my hands on-top of Hales head. He shakes his head.

"That would be because I haven't been in the pool in forever." I state crawling out.

"Are you guys wearing swim trunks?" I ask. They all nod.

"Wait! You have a belly button piercing and a tattoo!?" Chip yells pointing to my stomach. Yeah I have a diamond pierced belly button. I also have a heart tattooed on my hip. It has the worlds Annabelle in the heart for my mom. I smile.

"Yeah I've had them forever." I say shrugging.

"When did you get them?" Jake asks.

"About a month after my mom died. Now stop with the depressing questions. Get in or ill push you." I say. They chuckle and remove their shirts and all jump in at the same time. That splashes me in the face. I flinch back and close my eyes. It mainly hit my face so my hair is messed up. I sigh tailing it out of my pony tail. I turn back to my table my back facing the pool. I grab my brush and comb my hair. We swim for a long time before I get out. About an hour later when I'm done with my shower TJ walks in.

"Yes?" I ask.

"Umm why are you in just one of Hales shirts?" He asks.

"Because if I do wear anything else I will scream from pain. I can't walk as it is." I say. He nods.

"Come on." He says standing up.

"Noooooo I'm to sore!" I says. He sighs.

"Put on a loose tee and some shorts." He says. I sigh.

"You aren't going to let me go if I don't are you?" I ask. He smirks.

"You've got me all figured out." He says. I hold up my hands.

"Help?" I ask. He sighs but grabs my hands and pulls me up. I grab some undergarments and a pair of shorts. I go into the bathroom. I change into the shorts. Then I put on my bra which stings. I let out a small scream. Then I pull on Hales shirt again. It goes past my shorts. So I grab the front and tuck it into the from rod my shorts so people don't think I'm only wearing a shirt. I pull my hair up into a pony tail. Then I put on just a tad of makeup. I open the door to find TJ texting on his phone. I walk up to him and steal it. I ace it in my back pocket.

"You can have it back after we get to where ever we're going." I say. He grumbles some words and walks out the door. I follow close behind him.

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