18. Kisses and Kooks Part 2

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18. Kisses and Kooks Part 2

Being crazy isn't enough.  -Dr. Seuss


Hayden looked over my head and looked around, probably wondering where they were. When his eyes came back down to my face, his eyes went over my lips. "You know, Arden, if you weren't pissing me off, I might be tempted to kiss you."

What did I tell you; the guy is on drugs. He's crazy.

Over Hayden's shoulder, I saw Andrew look at something behind me. Soon, Hayden was looking at it too. "Take care of her." Hayden spat. He released my throat and dragged me by my arm over to the trees.

I internally smiled. Yes, we got him away from the creek.

When I tried to run away, Hayden wrapped his arms around me from behind. "Oh no, let's watch." He rested his chin on the top of my head and I rolled my eyes.

He was like the Joker.

Soon, Nikki appeared from the side and she gave one of her cocky smirks. She turned to me and Hayden. "Hello, Hayden. Mind letting her go, we got places to be."

I felt Hayden shake his head on top of mine. "I don't think so." He patted my stomach. "Andrew."

"You're horrible." I told him.

"I know, baby. It's what I live for." He answered.

I just rolled my eyes. I watched as Andrew pulled out a bow from behind him and with a 'poof' sound, an arrow appeared in his hand.

I get it, Cupid's Arrow. What is he going to do, make her fall in love?

Nikki scoffed. "What are you going to do, make me fall in love?" See?

Andrew shook his head. "That's a stereotype and frankly, i'm offended." I watched as he shot the arrow at Nikki. She easily dodged it.

"You're going to have to be quicker than that." She raised an eyebrow.

Andrew smirked at her. "As you wish." Another arrow appeared in his hand and he quickly shot it. Right as the arrow flew, he shot another one, and another one.

In other words, he was moving pretty damn fast. I started to get worried but that feeling faded slowly as Nikki dodged every arrow.

It was actually pretty cool. She looked like she was in some spy movie. I gasped when an arrow lodged into her stomach. She cried out in pain as she hunched over. She glared at Andrew before she pulled the arrow out and she threw it.

It went flying so fast and it ended up in Andrew's shoulder. Both Nikki and Andrew fell to the floor.

Oh my gosh.

I tried escaping Hayden's grasp but he held onto me pretty tightly. "You're a strong little thing." He mumbled. "Oh, look, there's more."

He grabbed my jaw and turned my head in the direction of a Ace and a Malia who were currently fighting.

How the hell did I miss this?

I watched as Ace pinned Malia to the ground. My face fell when a whole bunch of rocks lifted up and hit Ace in the head. Ouch. Blood started to drip from his eye right before he dropped to the floor.

Oh no, Ace.

I tried once again to get out of Hayden's grasp but I couldn't.

Now, Armani appeared ready to take on Malia. "Oh, great. They're all just appearing out of the woods." Malia shook her head. "Come on." She gestured to Armani.

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