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"Ok stay here I'll go get him!" Tony said looking down at her with a worried look on his face, "ok please hurry" Riley whimpers causing Tony to take off running towards Adrian and his mom. Once Tony reached Adrian he quickly grabbed a hold of his arm "Adrian come quick!" Tony said in a panic voice causing Adrian to look at him with worry. "Tony what's the matter?" Adrian asked as he slowly stands up, "it's Riley she's hurt" Tony replied as he took off running towards the rock with Adrian close behind him. Once at the rock Adrian saw his little girl whimpering "what happen!?" Adrian asked as he gently scoops Riley up.

"Were playing hiding and go seek and I scared her and she fell, but it's an accident" Tony replied looking up at Adrian with tears in his eyes. "Is that true honey?" Adrian asked looking down at his little girl as she was rubbing her leg, "yes daddy" Riley whimpers. "It's ok boys I'm not mad" Adrian replied giving the boys a reassuring smile, "what about her leg she hurt it" Blake said pointing to it. "It's just skinned up nothing broking" Adrian replied as he gently runs his finger over her leg. "Umm daddy can we go eat now" Riley asked as she wipes the tears out of her eyes, "that sounds like a good idea" Adrian replied as he made his way back over to Kim with Blake and Tony close behind.

Year 1972Where stories live. Discover now