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As Adrian walked inside a sharp pain shot right through his stomach causing him to collapse to the ground. "Honey!" Kanna shouted as she rushes over to her husband. "Kanna get back now!" Adrian yelled in pain as he slowly started to grow. When Kanna saw her husband growing she froze in Shockley "mommy whats going on with daddy" Riley asked peeking around the corner. "Honey go watch your cartoons" Mrs. Kaufner said causing her child to frown. "Aww ok mommy" Riley replied as she walks away with her head held low. "Honey take you need to get out of here!"  Adrian bellowed as he started to grow much much faster.

Before Kanna could get anything to come out Adrian grew right through the house causing everything to come crashing down. Once Adrian fished growing he carefully moved all the rubble "honey, Riley!?" Adrian voice crocked but when he didn't see any moment a single tear runs down his face. "Dude come on we have to go!" another voice called causing Adrian to turn around "ok I'm coming" Adrian replied as he wipes the tears out of his eyes as he slowly got up and followed his neighbour.

20 minutes later

"Ugh my head" Riley said as she slowly sits up and looks around, but when she saw everything destroyed her heart started to panic. "Daddy! Mommy!" where are you Riley yelled. "There dead" a women said as she walks cross the road. "What!?" Riley asked as tears runs down her face. "Couple of people grew and destroyed the houses, come on now we need to find any survivors" the woman said grabbing a hold of Riley's hand and headed down the street. As they are walking down the road Riley gave one last look at what her house used to be "by mommy and daddy" Riley whimpered.

Year 1972Where stories live. Discover now