Chapter Twenty-Eight

Start from the beginning



I shock up by the sound of a ringing phone. Apparently I felt asleep when I decided to 'sit down'. Not that I'm surprised because this is one of those things that happen a lot in my life.

"Hello?" I say when I pick up.

"Hi Zayn, Perrie here"

"Uhm... hi?"

"Can I come over?"

"I don't know if you can?"

"Yes, or no?"

"Do whatever you want, I don't care about you"

"Alright, I'll be there in five" she says and hangs up.

So there is something I need to tell you guys. A while ago, before I met Emily, when Perrie auditioned for X-Factor, I kinda liked her. I saw her on TV and thought she was cute, I wanted to get to know her. But when we met, it didn't work out, because she began to act weird. She'd hide behind her make-up, act different in real life then she did on TV. She wasn't the person I thought she was.

Oh well, I just hope she changed a bit. I hope we can at least be friends or something like that.

I get off the couch and make some tea. It's way to quiet around here. It's weird to be around someone for such a long time, and then we you're home it's quiet. I'm used to the sound of someone. If it wasn't the sounds of the boys, it's the sound of Emily. It's just weird.

My vibrating phone breaks the silence I have with myself.

Emily: "booooopoo I miss uuuuu"

Zayn: "miss u2, me no likey meetings"

I know I'm lying to her, but I just don't want to tell her about Perrie over the phone. I'll tell her tomorrow, and say that this fake meeting was about that. Sounds good. She'll probably not like it, but at least I won't have to lie any longer.

Emily: "Can't you skip the meeting and be with me :)"

Zayn: "if you want the management to kill me, sure no problem"

Emily: "no, me no likey dead booboo"

Zayn: "but you have the key, so you can chill in my place if you want"

Yes I gave her my key, and I have hers. Don't hate me because I love her.

Emily: "yupp, I can steal every little thing that's in your place, and you wouldn't notice"

Zayn: "great idea"

I look up from my phone when the doorbell rings. Urgh, Perrie...

Zayn: "g2g, love you<3"

Emily: "MEEEEH me love you more :)"

I put my phone away and open up the door for Perrie.



Meh, now I'm loner again. Why don't I have any proper friends? Why do my friends live in fucking Australia? Before Zayn I had Nick. We did everything together, but now... Luke and Jules are at the other side of the planet, I won't get to see Ella, Nick and I are just dead, and I absolutely hate Kelly. Zayn is my only real friend...

It wasn't until now that I realize how forever alone I actually am. I'll just go back to Australia, and live there. I had a great time with Julie and Luke, I even liked his weird band people. Michael was changed his hair color three times, while I was there, Ashton broke two pair of drumsticks and Calum is just weird himself. But because they are all so weird, they are perfect for my little Lukey.

Oh well, enough about me being forever alone. Zayn forgot some cloths over here, which I find a perfect occasion to stop by his place. But first, change into something less pyjama-ish.


I put Zayns cloths into a plastic bag, and take them with me to the car. I hop into my red mini cooper and turn on the radio. After a Passenger song, Little mix' new single Move, blasts out the speakers. It sounds pretty catchy, and when they sing the chores for the third time, I can already sing along.

Just when the song ends I arrive at Zayns place. I park the car and while I hum the song, I get up to the fifth floor, where his flat it.

"Get your back off the wall, don't you get comfortable" I sing while I walk up the stairs.

This flat thing is so weird. Every flat is two floors high, so actually floor two isn't really a floor, it's just a doorless hallway. Wait I'm not even sure if the elevator stops there..

So when I say that Zayn lives at the fifth stage, it actually means he lives at the tenth floor. Now don't ask me why I'm walking all the way up there.

But after a little while, my legs start to get hurt, so I choose the lazy way of getting up and take the elevator.

I arrive at Zayns floor and get out, search for his key and after a little struggle I finally manage to open the door.

I get in and look up. Every single muscle in my body freezes, it feels like blood stops rushing through my veins, I hold my breath and just stand there. Confused of what I see.

W-what the...h-heck? I-I...



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