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Aqua's POV

I took up my bag and walked out of the house.  I came out just in time to catch the school bus. I walked up and looked for an empty seat but unfortunately there was none so I sat beside Lacy.
"Sup girl?" She asked.
"Nothing really yah know," I replied.

I wasn't really in the mood to talk. The only thing that was on my mind was Xavier.

"I heard that you and Xavier broke up," she said.

Wow, news really flies fast. I guess everyone at school knows already.

"Yeah, I don't wanna talk about it," I replied.

"I'm so sorry that happened, you guys were such a cute couple," she said.

"Mhmmmm," I replied.

The bus stopped and we came out.
There was a lot of staring and chattering.

"Ha, I heard that you and Xavier broke up, I knew you guys wouldn't last much longer," Paige said with a smile.
She was really happy that Xavier and I broke up.

"Yeah, you can go and take him now," I said and walked off.
I saw Xavier walking towards me. He walked pass me and I did the same.

Wow! Now we're enemies, oh well.
I walked to my locker and put the books in my hands in it. Ammie walked passed me quickly.
I grabbed her hand.

"Hey Ammie, why are you avoiding me?" I asked her.

She stood in front of me and gave me a sulky look.

"I'm not avoiding you, I just give my attention to the people who are my friends," she said and looked at me like I was nothing.

I looked at her speechless. Is this the Ammie I grew up with?

"Well I don't have time for losers so I'll see you around," she said and walked off. I stood there like I was dumb.
What the hell is going on in my life?

After school  I walked over to Ammie's house. I opened the door and walked in.
"Hi Carrie," I said.

"How are you honey, I haven't seen you around lately," she said.

"Yeah I've been busy," I replied.

"Okay, I'm on my way out so goodbye," she said and walked off.

I walked to Ammie's room and knocked on her door.

"What is it mom?" She asked and opened the door.

"Oh it's you," she said when she saw me.
She was about to close the door but I pushed it and forced myself inside her room.

"What do you want?!" She asked in a shout.

"I want to know what I've done to you Ammie. I've known you since I was a little girl and we've been best friends since then. You're actually my sister and you kissed my boyfriend, I mean ex-boyfriend.
How could you do something like that?" I asked.

"Just leave me alone okay,"

"No Ammie, you've gotta tell me what's wrong,"

"Okay Aqua, you know I never really liked you," she said.

"What? But we are best friends," I said.

"Aqua that's where you're wrong, I was your best friend but you were never my best friend,"

"But, but," I stuttered.

"You know Aqua, when you came here to live with my mom and I, you took away everything from me. You took away my mother. Everyone loved you Aqua, you were so perfect. My mom was so proud of you. She loved you more than me. She treated you like she was your real mother, she spent more time with you than me. I was always left out. You were the center of attention," Ammie said coldly.

I sat on the bed still staring at her and grasping every single word she said.
"T-t-that's not true Ammie," I said.

"You are so lucky Aqua, you're a half mermaid, a lot of people love you, most of the boys are crazy for you,  you're so pretty and sexy and you had the most amazing boyfriend ever, Xavier. Whenever I stood beside you I looked like nothing, you were always far above me, no one noticed me but everyone noticed you, you are so popular and yet you don't even appreciate all that you have,"

"Of course I do, what are you talking about?  What has gotten into you?" I asked her.

"You know what else you took from me Aqua?" She asked.

I shook my head and said "No I don't, I didn't take anything away from you"

"You took away Xavier! I always liked that guy, but he was always blabbing about you, when Paige went away I had a chance to make a move on him.
But guess what? He fell in love with you instead,"

"Really Ammie? I thought you were happy for me, I never knew you liked Xavier. And come on love is unpredictable," I said.

"Happy for you? I hated you, the only person I wanted was Xavier but you had him. Xavier and I loved video games, we always played it together then recently he started falling for me. I could tell because I caught him staring at me a lot of times and before we kissed we almost kissed once but he pulled away and walked out,"

"Why would you hate me?"

"As I said, when you came to live with me and my mom,  you took everything from me but I had to pretend that you were my best friend because my mom and every one else said we were best friends,"

"Why would you do this to me, I mean you know I love Xavier, plus you could have tell me. Why are you telling me this now?"

Ammie started laughing. She laughed so hard I thought she would choke.

"Ammie," I said.

"Oh, you'll know, you'll know soon, in due time Aquamarine, in due time," she said with an evil laugh.

Ammie took up her purse and walked out.
I stood there in her room like an idiot. A tear fell from my right eye. I guess I didn't have much friends after all.

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