I gotta do what I gotta do

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Aqua's POV

"She can't see anyone now" I heard a voice say.

"But I need to see her," another voice said.
That voice sounded like my father.

I couldn't see anything but darkness but I could feel water and I knew I was in the ocean.

"She will be up soon, when she does she must relax by herself for a few minutes then you can see her,"  the first voice said.

Was I in the hospital?
What happened?
The only thing I remembered was being in school then I felt my head spinning and my eyes getting blurry. I couldn't remember anything else after that.

I groaned and my eyes slowly opened, I looked around. I was in the Central Mer Hospital.
I sneezed loudly. I felt relaxed but then I remembered something.
Xavier and Ammie. I still couldn't forget it.

"You can see her now," the doctor said.

My dad, Aunt Bubbles, Ski and Oceania quickly swam in.

"We've been worried sick!" My dad exclaimed.

"You've been sleeping for five days straight," Aunt Bubbles said.

"I'm really glad you're okay!" Ski said.

"Me too," Oceania said.

"5 days! Are you serious?" I exclaimed.

They all nodded.

"I gotta go to school so see yah and remember you have got details for me later," Ski said and swam off.

"Okay," I replied.

"Sorry guys but we need to treat Aqua and she really needs to rest," the doctor said.

My dad kissed me on my forehead  and Aunt Bubbles gave me hand a squeeze and swam out.

"Bye Aqua," Oceania said.

"See you later," I replied.

I sighed and stared at the ceiling.


"Oh my gosh, are you serious," Ski asked when I told her about Xavier and Ammie.


"I can't believe it,"

"Me either but there's only one thing left to do,"
My eyes swelled with tears as I said this.

"What is that?" Ski asked.

"I have to break up with him,"
Tears flowed down my eyes, breaking with Xavier seemed like one of the  hardest thing in my life to do. I really really love him and it was really hard to let him go.

"I'm so sorry Aqua," Ski said and hugged me.

"It's alright, one day I'll realize it's for the best," I said and forced a smile.

Ski nodded and patted my back softly.

I had to leave Xavier, I saw what he did, if he really loved me he wouldn't do something like that. Unless he was getting tired of me. He missed a date, then he kissed another girl, who knows if he hasn't kissed other girls. Maybe he had it in his mind to break up with me but he didn't know how.

My mind and eyes were blurry.
I swam up quickly.

"Bye Ski," I said.

"Good luck," she said.

I gave her a wave of my tail then I swam off.
The water hit my face because I was swimming too fast, I slowed down a bit then speed up. I swam up to my private beach which was right beside my house. I dried my tail and walked into my house.
Dad was still at Aunt Bubbles. I quickly changed into a red shirt and blue jeans.

I walked slowly to Xavier house. My brain was blurry with thoughts and memories and I could hear my heart beating fast.

You can do this Aqua, no big deal,
I thought.

I knocked on Xavier's door and took a deep breath.

His mother opened the door.
"Oh hi Aqua," she said.

"Hey Mrs. Johnson," I said with a smile.

"Xavier isn't here at the moment, he hasn't been around lately," she said.

"Do you know where he is?"

"No, I'm sorry,"

"That's okay, thanks away,"


I walked away slowly wondering where he would be.

I looked at my watch. It was 6:00pm.

Maybe he's at the fire station.

"Taxi!" I shouted.
The cab stopped and I ran towards it and got in.
"Where to?" He asked.
"The fire station," I replied.

I leaned back and in a few minutes the car stopped. I paid him and went to back of the station. I walked up the stairs and spotted Xavier sitting down.
I wanted to run to him and hug and kiss him but I wasn't here for that.
I walked over to him and sat beside him.

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