Order in the Court!

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Aqua's POV

"Wake up sleepy head," my dad said knocking on my room door.
It was Thursday and today was the day we would go to court. I quickly put on my robe and opened the door.
"Good morning," I said.
He had a tray in his hands with breakfast on it.
"Aww you made breakfast for me!" I squealed.
"You're welcome," he said and handed the tray to me.

"Thank you," I said.
We sat on my bed and I began to eat.

"I'm nervous Aqua," he said.

"Me too dad, but let's hope for the best," I replied.

"If everything doesn't go well, I might go back to prison and you'll have to go back and live with Carrie and Ammie".

"But you just got out of prison, you can't go back,".

"I'm sorry Aqua but we've got to do what's right,".

Tears fell from my eyes and I quickly wiped them away.
He kissed me on my forehead and walked out.
He was the only parent I knew since my mother died. Carrie was like a mother and all but sometimes I felt left out. I hadn't spend enough time with my dad and maybe they might send him to the trench in a deep, dark part in the ocean. I shivered as the thought erupted in my head.


"Hello my darling," Aunt Bubbles said and squeezed me.

"Hey auntie," I replied.

"How are you?" She said to my dad.

"A little nervous but I'm good," he replied.

"Well let's go then, Ski and Oceania hurry up," Aunt Bubbles said.

A few minutes later they swam from into the living room. I hugged them both.

"So how's Kevin?" I asked playfully while we were on our way to the  mer-court.

"Well he's good, he's gone for a week to his grandparents since Monday," she said smiling.

"What about Xavier?" She asked.

"He's great, we went on a date on Monday, girl it was so much fun"

"Awww, you know I really want to meet him but I can't go on land,"

"One day you can come, he knows that I'm a mermaid so he won't be surprised if I have mer-families,"

"That would be nice, if mum allows us and the answer is most likely a 'no',"

"You know her really well," I said laughing.

"Okay, we're here," Ski said.

We all swam inside and sat upfront. My dad sat at the criminal desk and Ski, Aunt Bubbles and I sat at the defending area. I took a quick glance at the judge. He looked really tough but hey how tough can he really be?

There was a loud alarm and other mers who were interested filled the court.

There was silence in the court room.

"ZOOMA SUMMERS!" The judge said. His voice boomed through the courtroom.

My dad swam up from his seat.

"Yes sir," he said a bit shakily.

"You have broken some of the most important mermaid rules! You went on land, married a human, had a child with the human and carried that human to our mer-world!" The judge shouted.

My dad held down his head. I knew he felt really bad and I could see a worried look on his face.

"All those things you did was to be paid off by death but instead, the king and I  granted you a favor and gave you a chance to live in prison, and now you escaped from the prison,"
"What do you have to say for yourself Zooma?" The judge asked.

"I have done a lot of things in my life wrong but I ask you please to give me one more chance sir," My dad said.

"One more chance?!    After the king and I  pitied you and gave you a chance to live you pushed your luck, the only thing left to do is for you to die," the judge said.

My head felt like it exploded when I heard this.

"I object!" I heard myself blurted out.

"And you are?" The judge asked.

"I'm his daughter, Aquamarine. I'm the half-mermaid,"  I said.

There were a lot chattering, gasping and staring.

"Order in the court!" The judge shouted and knocked his gavel.

There was complete silence.

"Speak!" The judge ordered.

I took a deep breath and searched for words.

"I know my dad has broken some of the most important rules in the mer-kingdom but all the things that he has done was because of love. Everyone knows that love is unpredictable and the love he had for my mother was very special. Yes, some humans are dangerous to mermaids, especially the scientists but what my parents had was very special.
My father doesn't deserve to die, the king took a lot from him, he took the love of his life, he took away his freedom and he took away his responsibility of being a father for me. I don't think he should take away his life too. My dad is the only parent I have and he was taken away from me when I was very young.
My dad didn't break out of prison, I looked for him and took him out......"

"You did what?" The judge asked and cut me off.

"What other choice did I have? The king took him away from me and I needed a parent. Not because you guys are the head it doesn't mean you should take away valuable persons and things from people's life because it doesn't mean anything to you.
My dad did something really wrong but please let him stay with me. The king has taken enough from me and my dad.
When my dad is gone, who is gonna be there for me. After my mom died I grew up with no parents. I'll never forgive the king for killing my mom but please let my father stay," I said.

The judge stared at me in awe.

"Your words have moved my heart Aquamarine," he said.

I don't know if I was seeing right but it looked like tears were in his eyes.

With a knock of his gavel he said, " From this day onwards, Mr. Summers will be free, he is no longer a criminal. Mr. Summers I give you your freedom,"

My dad swam over to me and hugged me warmly.
"Thank you Aqua," he said.
I nodded as I hugged him.
Ski, Aunt Bubbles and Oceania joined in the hug.

"The case is closed," the judge said and knocked his gavel again.
Everyone began to leave the court room.

"Wow Aquamarine that was some great defending," a girl named Cassie said.

"Thanks Cassie," I replied.

There was a lot of applause.

"Aquamarine you were great,"

"Your dad must be really proud of you,"

"You are a hero Aqua,"

People were congratulating me but I was just happy that everything turned out perfectly.

"Anyone up for a little celebration?" Ski asked.

"YEA!!!" Aunt Bubbles, Oceania, dad and I shouted as we swam to Aunt Bubbles home.


Author's Note:

     Well, well, well. I hope y'all are enjoying the story so far. I don't really know anything about courts or cases so I just made up something. Please vote and comment.....     :-)

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