#4 - SSM Apink - When They Come Home From Tour(7/7)

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HanEul is you

MinHae is me

A/n - I know that Apink doesn't have YooKyung in the group anymore but just like KARA - They See You For The First Time, I will add YooKyung.

Chorong - Age: 10

Eomma/mom and Appa/dad have been too busy to care for you and MinHae. Chorong was happy enough to take care of the two of you. As she heard so much about the two of you and seeing as she just finished her PINK Season tour(Such an old tour I don't remember their recent tour name...oops.). She would be delighted to watch over you two for a little while. As the two of you entered her dorm, she appeared with a happy smiling face. "HanEul! MinHae! Aigoo! look at you two. So grown up!" She gives each of you a hug. Bomi was off to do her WGM show while NaEun went to do a photo shoot. The only ones home were Chorong, Namjoo, YooKung, Hayoung, and Eunji. MinHae ran off to Eunji, who was willingly ready to pick her up. As she picks her up, you get jealous and beg Eunji to pick you up too. Chorong laughs and picks you up even though the both of you were 10, you both had times you acted like some 2 years old(Don't tell me none of you are that way because I know I am.). MinHae was short and light for her age. She was only about 3ft '9in while you were standing at 4ft and light as a feather. Easily both girls could pick you both up with no problems. Chorong rubbed her cheek against yours, happy to see the two of you. The two of you were close with Apink since you two always visited Apink's fanmeetings and they would walk around holding you two since you could both speak. Eunji laughs, pinching MinHae's cheeks lightly. "Aigoo~ Who knew you guys grew up so fast~" She joked as MinHae tried to make her stop pinching her. You happily enjoy Chorong's cheek rubbing on yours since you missed your older sister so much. Chorong took out her phone and took a selca(Korean way of calling a selfie) of the two of you before posting it on Instagram. Then Eunji does the same with MinHae and posting it on Instagram as well. Comments and likes flooded the girls' Instagram posts. 'Agioo~~~ HanEul is so adorable!!' 'Ahhhhh!!! TOO MUCH CUTENESS!!' 'Chorong Unnie what adore little sisters you have!! I have seen the one with Eunji unnie! So hyperactive!' And with Eunji post, there were comments like 'MinHae is the cutest thing ever!!' or 'EUNJI UNNIE SHE IS SO ADORE! MINHAE IS SO ADORE!'. MinHae wiggles out of Eunji's arms and runs into Namjoo's happily. "What social butterfly." Eunji comments watching MinHae move to Namjoo, hugging her. Chorong nods, putting you down and you follow MinHae to Namjoo, but MinHae had run off to Hayoung, kissing her cheek. You pouted that MinHae keeps leaving to another member. Chorong laughs, watching as you come back to her for another hug. MinHae had already moved to YooKung hugging happily smiling as YooKung spun around.(I don't have much info. on YooKung but I'm sure she was a super nice ..um....unnie! I'm not used to addressing her in any other way but YooKung. he.)

Bomi - Age: 5
Bomi had just arrived back to SK after her recent tour. She was given a few days off so she first went home to her parents and little sisters! As she entered the home, small giggles could be heard as the idol took off her shoes and took a look around. Bomi then walks over to a cabinet and opens it. "Oh hello there." Bomi says, smiling. "Bomi unnie!" MinHae calls out as she climbs out of the cabinet for Bomi to hug her. "Now, MinHae, where is HanEul?" MinHae shrugs, not really knowing where HanEul really went. "Why don't we look for her together?" MinHae nods and holds out her arms for Bomi to carry her. "Oh, MinHae." Bomi picks her up and heads off to a few places HanEul would be. Opening one of the kitchen cabinets pops out HanEul. "BOMI UNNIE!" HanEul hugs Bomi. Bomi laughs and puts MinHae down to fully see the girls.

Namjoo - Age: 15

Namjoo walked around the home of her parents. "MinHae! HanEul!" She takes a look around before entering the said girls' room. There laid both girls soundly asleep. "Still taking naps?" Namjoo looks at her watch. "It's literally 1:00 PM. Girls, wake up!" Namjoo goes to HanEul and shakes her before going to MinHae and doing the same. MinHae opens her eyes and yawns. "Namjoo unnie!" MinHae jolts up and hugs her. "Hey hey, Minnie!" HanEul hears Namjoo's voice and wakes up. "NAMJOO UNNIE IS HERE?!" Namjoo lets go of MinHae and looks at HanEul. "Yes, I am here. Flesh and body." HanEul laughs and hugs Namjoo as Namjoo hugs her back.

HaYoung - Age: 13

HaYoung was happily walking into her parents' home. She was finally home from being on tour. "Eomma! Appa! HanEul! MinHae!" HaYoung looks around before finding Eomma and Appa. "Is MinHae and HanEul in their room?" HaYoung greets her parents and kisses their cheeks before going upstairs. "Hannie! Minnie! Your Unnie is home!!" HaYoung enters your shared bedroom. The both of you look up from drawing some Kpop stars. The both of your best drawings were colored and hung up in your room as posters. You both were artists who had a large following online because of it. "Did you girls get around to drawing your Unnie's group? Your most favorite group?" MinHae nods and smiles. "I did! Hannie hasn't had the chance to touch it up." MinHae shows her drawing. "Wah! You're so good, Minnie!" You showed your unfinished drawing. "Hannie, this is an amazing draft! I bet once it has done, it will be just as amazing as Minnie's!" HaYoung hugs you both happy.

NaEun - Age: 8

NaEun entered the home of her parents, feeling happy to see her dear siblings and her wonderful parents. "Eomma? Appa? Eullie? HaeYo?" NaEun glanced around as she stepped more and more into the home's living room. NaEun's Eomma and Appa appeared, holding Minhae's and your hand. "Eomma! Appa! Oh, Eullie and HaeYo are here too!" Usually, the two of you were at school or in your rooms with your respective tutors. Your parents wanted to you two to have dreams as well but if your dreams don't work out then you have something to fall back on(Usually meaning if you want to be an idol but quit or they forcefully let go of you then, you have a job too.) NaEun hugged Eomma and Appa first. "Oh, I missed these hugs!" She gave them a tight squeeze before bending down and hugging you and MinHae. "Now these are my favorite little sisters in the world." MinHae laughed and you continued to hug NaEun.

Eunji - Age: 3
Eunji entered the home of her parents. She had just gotten home from her Pink Season tour and couldn't wait to see her parents. "Minnie! Hannie! Eomma! Appa! Anyone home! I just got home from my world tour! Anyone home? Eunji's eomma walked down the stairs, carrying Haneul. "MinHae is sleeping, sweets. Haneul is such a light sleeper when it comes to hearing her dear unnie come home." Eunji laughs, taking Haneul. "Hello, Hannie! How much did you miss your unnie?" Haneul smiled happily, being able to see Eunji again. "Hannie missed Unnie so much!" Eunji laughed slightly at Haneul's reply. "How about screaming loudly at Minnie so she can wake up and hang out with us?" Haneul nodded with a smile as Eunji walked up the stairs to Haneul and MinHae's room for a day of fun.

YooKyung - Age: 2

Yookyung entered the home, quietly. She was wondering if her family was sleeping or not. "Eomma....? Appa...?" She asked, softly. Yookyung did not want to disturb her family if they were sleeping. Down the stairs was thumping feet sounds almost nearly running down in huge amounts of excitement. At the bottom of the stairs stood Eomma and Appa, in their arms were MinHae and Haneul. "Eomma! Appa! Eullie~ Hae~", Yookyung says happily, hugging them softly. The young girls were sleeping peacefully before waking up to see the sight of their older sister that they didn't know much about. MinHae was making baby noises as HanEul reached her tiny hand around Yookyung's index finger. 

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