Yang: "Wait! (Y/N), don't run off!"

I bolted for the cave and soon it was in sight. Outside of the cave were a few young Beowulves playing with one another as their parents watched over them. My Beowulf mask formed and the red outlines appeared on it. As I neared the Beowulves they looked at me, then looked back to the cave and howled. Suddenly my father appeared out of the cave entrance and looked at me. He near sprinted for me and nuzzled his mask against mine.

Father: "My son... I'm so glad you've returned. Your mother and I missed you greatly."

I wrapped my arms around him and nuzzled my mask against his fur.

Me: "I missed all of you too. I'm so glad to see you."

Father: "Come inside, your mother will be happy to see that you've returned."

He suddenly looked behind me and began to snarl and bare his fangs. I looked back to see Team RWBY standing there.

Father: "You will not take my son again!"

He suddenly pushed me behind him and lowered his posture slightly.

Me: "Wait! Father it's okay, they are the ones who let me come here. They mean no harm."

He looked back at me and stared at me a moment, then lowered his claws.

Father: "I suppose this means you won't be staying?"

Me: "I'm afraid not. But I'll be able to see the pack more often!"

My father looked down slightly and began to move back to the cave.

Father: "They will stay out here. If they harm a single strand of fur on one of our own, they will be killed."

Me: "I understand."

I looked to Team RWBY.

Me: "Please stay out here. I will try not to be long."

Ruby nodded.

Ruby: "Take your time (Y/N)."

I nodded and followed my father into the cave. Almost instantly a few pups ran at me and tried to tackle me, but barely pushed me back. I chuckled and looked down at them.

Me: "I hope you pups have been behaving."

One of the female Beowulf pups looked up at me.

Pup: "We have!"

I looked up from the pup to see my mother staring at me next to my father. She slowly approached me and nuzzled against my masks

Mother: "My little pup, I'm so glad to see you safe. I've been worried sick. They haven't hurt you have they?"

Me: "No mother, and I'm not a pup anymore I'm old enough to hunt on my own."

Mother: "You will always be my little pup, no matter how old you are."

I smiled as she backed up and looked at me.

Me: "How has the pack been, I see a few new faces here. Did they join from another pack?"

Father: "Yes, unfortunately their alpha was killed in a hunt. So they found us and joined our pack."

Me: "I see. They haven't been causing trouble have they?"

Father: "A few have, but they were quickly put in their place. However since you've been gone more humans have been roaming close to our territory."

I frowned. I was always the one to patrol and make sure no one got too close, but I suppose in my absence humans have been getting bold.

Ruby: "Spread out!"

I heard the sounds of a fight outside the cave. The loud bang of gunshots and low hissing was easily heard. I rushed outside to see Team RWBY fighting a King Taijitu that towered over the team and lunged rapidly at them. I quickly formed a Grimm mask, resembling the large snake's. My Beowulf tail and ears faded into black dust and formed a snake tail. I ran forward and got the Grimm's attention.

Me: "Stop! They are with me, they mean no harm!"

The snake suddenly lunged with its white snake head, I jumped back and dodged it.

Taijitu: "They must die, the queen commands it."

Me: "The Queen?"

The snake used its other head to attack me from the side, I jumped over its attack and landed on its head. I took my palm and hit it at the edge of its snout. This caused it to become disoriented and shake its head back and forth. I jumped off of it and stood in front of Team RWBY.

Me: 'What does she mean, what Queen? I'm not sure if I can reason with her. Should I... should I attack...? Or should I keep trying to get through to her...?"

[(A/N): Hey guys! This choice isn't super important to the ending of the story, but it will effect the character so choose wisely. Oh! And I'm going to try and update more often, least the stories I actually have published (I totally don't have like six stories I have multiple chapters on but refuse to purplish them until I complete one of my stories *Nervous laughter*). Anywho, DarkPrince out!]

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