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I was in the kitchen, hunting for evening snacks, when I spotted the stalker again, peeping from behind a tree. It was barely possible to see him, hiding amidst the bushes, shrouded in the cold, misty darkness. He was just a blurry shape through the rapidly thickening fog, although I could figure out that he was wearing a grayish cap, and a dark jacket, as usual. Just the sight of him made me feel vulnerable, as if I was in mortal peril. He stood absolutely still: a snake poised before its hunt. The most frustrating part was that I could do nothing about it. For all I knew, he could be waiting for me to walk out of the house and into a trap.

The phone rang just when I was about to close the curtains.

"Hello, honey?"

"Yeah?" It was Steve.

"There has been an emergency here at the police station. I will be home a little late tonight."

My voice sounded resentful even to me. "Okay, I guess. Try to make it back as soon as you can, alright?"

"Is everything okay? You seem jittery."

"I am fine. Just... just come home soon." This stalking business was getting to me.

"Will do, hon. Bye."

The house seemed more silent and empty, somehow. I was shaking my head a lot when I had dinner and went to bed.

It was a restless night. I tossed and turned, waiting for that blissful sleep which seemed never to come. I was feeling strangely paranoid. It was a good two hours before I got up, and went to the kitchen for water. Just when I was about to go back, I became aware of a soft, shuffling sound. I waited, listening for a moment. Sometimes, paranoia can deceive our ears.

But no, I could hear it clearly if I listened hard enough.

I tip-toed towards the sound. The thought of burglars, when it crossed my mind, made me pick up Steve's golf club. The wooden floorboards didn't creak under my light steps, as I crept into the narrow hallway, towards the source of the sound.

As it turned out, it was only the window curtain flowing in the wind, caressing the chest of drawers and making the shuffling sound. Sighing with relief, I fastened the curtain, and realized with a jolt that the window was open.

Cursing my negligence, I was about to close the window, when I noticed it.


The lawn was damp, and the footprints were unmistakable, leading up to the house. The foggy air suddenly seemed much colder, chilling me to my bones. I can never describe the fear which gripped my heart. My head swam with dreadful thoughts, and I for the first time, I regretted my imagination.

A cold, clammy arm slithered around my bosom from behind, and before I had a chance to gasp, another hand covered my mouth. No matter how much I struggled, the grip was vice, as a python coiled around its prey. I pulled, I pushed, my screams were muffled, as my captor dragged me towards the kitchen and tied my hands behind a chair, making me fall on it. The moment his hand left my mouth, I tried to scream at the top of my lungs, but he covered me again.

"Shhh! Stop screaming, please! It's me Eva!"

Those few whispered words hit me like a wave. He walked in front of me, and lowered his grey cap.

"Please calm down, it's me, Steve!" He whispered hoarsely.

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