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"Honey, I am serious."

Steve was putting on his uniform jacket, seemingly oblivious to the hysteria behind my words. It was the most irritating thing about him. He was never a good listener, but this time, I was not letting the matter go.

"Listen to me, Steve. This is the third time I have seen that man creeping around the house. It's seriously worrying me."

He nodded absent-mindedly, pulling on his socks.

"Can't you do something? You are a cop, for crying out loud." I regretted feeling myself whining.

He nodded again. This was not going well, I thought, as I punched him lightly on his arm.

"Honestly, I am surprised to know that there is only one guy loitering around the house." He said between chuckles, "If I saw someone as beautiful as you, I would have knocked off the husband and snatched her away!" 

"That's not funny." I folded my arms.

"It was a good compliment though, right?"

A smile stretched the corners of my mouth even as I tried to appear adamant. He hugged me softly, caressing the long strands of my hair, as I gave in. For the last few days, he had been giving me an unusual amount of attention, and I was loving every moment of it. Of course, that also made me wonder if he was doing something scandalous outside our marriage, but I tried not to let it ruin the moment.

"All right, who is she? What's her name?"

He looked at me blankly. "Who is who?"

"Oh come on. If someone is this much good to his wife, he must be screwing someone!"

He was still laughing as I saw him drive out on his police cruiser.

So, how is it going? Does it look promising? Or should I slap down my phone, go bang my head against the wall, and then jump off the bridge?

Whatever it is, I would really appreciate it if you let me know in the comments below. And of course, leave a vote if you liked it!

Oh and by the way, don't actually ask me do jump off the bridge. Seriously, dying really makes me feel queasy. :)

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