His maid, Witness

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{ A/N - VOTE if you hate the beast scene because I DO. }

=♡ Chapter 19 ♡=

~Marrie's POV~
I rushed to the doctors tent where I heard Ciel had been taken too after he had a medical emergency.
"Doctor! Is everything okay?" I gasped, collecting myself. The doctor of the circus, whom fixed injuries and their prosthetic limbs for recruiting members, which he has constructed himself, had turned to me on his wheelchair with a soft expression, "Ah yes. Smile is doing well." he stated, as I turned to look at the small boy layed upon in a small bed. "Please, do not worry, he is doing good.." he reasured me. It was hard not to cry, seeing something I love so tenderly become so weak and oblivious to himself. Sebastian walked up from behind me and placed an hand on my shoulder reassuringly.
"What happened to him?" asked Freckles, who was sitting at the other side of the tent.
"I believe it was an asthma attack." said the doctor, "And for now it is best for him to rest."The doctor turned over to his paper work, and Freckles had taken his leave.
Then, Ciel had suddenly grasped the hem of my skirt, making me smile softly. Yet he layed there with a finger to his lips, gesturing for me to be quiet. I got Sebastians attention, and Ciel held Sebastians hand softly, poking his palm with the other. He was using a morse code to communicate without talking. Then Sebastian took the young lords and did the name tapping method with his irritating smirk. I could only guess what he said..

I looked down at Ciels flustered and glossy face one last time before taking my leave with Sebastian.
"I'll find Snake... you do what the young master had ordered." I demanded sternly. He nodded and left, having me leave to the orders.


I saught out after the tent who is owned by a recruit named Snake. It was pretty dark, so it was easy to slip around without being caught, yet I still can't fine the damn tent..
"O-Oh.." came a muffled voice carried out through the tent next door. I saw the tent entrance was opened to an extent and walked over. I could sense individuals were in heat. A sexual desire is a strong pheromone demons can sense, and it reeked of the smell. I decided to close the shades to it for them to be unheard, and for the smell to decrease.
"B-Black.." whinced a females voice from inside, striking through my head in realization. Black is Sebastians recruit name. I opened the curtain and looked inside wryly. There layed Beast, with none other than Sebastian sitting behind her. She layed on her hands and knees, a sweating mess. She seemed to yearn so much for a mere touch.
My body grew cold as my heart seemed to stop. This feeling of loss was unbearable, yet my mind couldn't wrap around their situation. Sebastian and that.. rubbish of a human. I felt my fists clench and my face burn when thinking of her.
"Where would you like to be touched next.." cooed Sebastians deep and raspy tone. His voice in this position made my knees tremble and my heart race, yet when I saw him with another... I felt..felt...
Suddenly I heard a hiss, catching my attention, a snake slithered passed my feet and into a tent nearby. This may be what I've been looking for. For now I just need to focus on my priority.


~Ciel's POV~
Feeling a cool touch against my head, I woke up from my sleep in the circuses infirmary where I had been since my asthma attack. I saw Marrie beside me.
"Marrie?" I questioned, "Why are you here so early in the morning?" I asked, tilting my head in confusion and blinking tiredly.
"We have all we need. We can leave now." Sebastian interrupted, walking up from behind Marrie. Marrie has picked me up into her arms with ease. As she did so, I saw Sebastian wasn't wearing his gloves, having his contract seal exposed.
"Sebastian.. Your gloves.." I stated tiredly. He only smirked.
"They had gotten dirty.." he smugly stated, leaving Marrie in such an odd position. She felt tense whilst holding me protectively.


~Marrie's POV~

"Ciel!!!" screamed the Indian price, Soma Asman Kadar, with his butler, Agni, as we stood in the entrance way. We had slipped out of the circus back to the country mansion. "Where were you?? You've been gone longer than expected!" he continued to sob dramatically.
"The plan got distrac..ngh.." Ciel tried to explain, yet cut off by a hoarse like cough escaping his throat.
"My lord.." I stated in worry, "Please get rest.. We'll continue the investigation later on.." I proposed timidly. Ciel forced back his urge to cough and stood up straight, "I'm fine. We need to.. c-continue this." he demanded. I tried to help but being I'm a contract, I couldn't refuse his wishes.
"Most certainly not!" Soma replied, waving his finger. "You need well rest! You are a lord after all, we cannot risk your health!" he explained cheekily. Ciel blinked in irritation.
"If you need me, I'll be in my study." he sternly said, walking up the main hall stair case.
"No you don't!" Soma picked up Ciel swiftly and made his way up stairs.
"Ehh!? What the bloody hell -" Ciel screamed when being carried by the grown man.
"M-My prince!" Agni panicked, when chasing after him. I blinked, yet realized I was left alone with Sebastian. He faced me and smirked, giving me a tight gutting feeling  in the stomach with disgust. I snarled lowly and walked up the stairs to catch up with everyone. This urge to kill Sebastian is certainly strong, yet I can't accomany a reason as to why..


One Hell of a Maid ~ Kuroshitsuji (Sebastian X Oc)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें