His maid, Capricious

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=♡ Chapter 4 ♡=

~Ciel's POV~
I am in my office, currently working on the Jack the Ripper case. A serial killer who kills prostitutes and cuts out their... ovaries... Sebastian walked in, cutting me from my thoughts. "I have brought you your afternoon tea, my lord." he stated as he made his way to the side of my desk. "Have you narrowed down the suspect..?" I asked when he cautiously poured my tea. "Yes, my lord. Due to our visit from the Undertaker yesterday, I have found a man known as the Viscount of Druitt. He shall be attending a ball later tonight. I believe we shall go." great.. a ball. "Fine, at least we'll catch him before that damn rabbit does..." I stated, my words full of disgust.

"You may take your leave now." I said waving my hand, gesturing for Sebastian to exit. He bowed and made his way to the door. As he opened it, my aunt fell to the floor of my study. She was leaning against the outside of my door. "AH..!" she blurted out, as she made contact with the ground. "M-Madam Red? What is the meaning of this..?" I frantically questioned the red haired female. She just smiled cheekily as she hurried herself up. I sighed, she doesn't mean any harm... "Do you need anything?" I questioned my flustered aunt. She had a rather large grin spread across her face, sending unwanted shivers from the hairs behind my neck to the dimples in the bottom of my back. "I have an idea, my lord!"

~Marrie's POV~
I am in the front of carriage driving the carriage as Madam Red, Lau, Sebastian and Ciel are inside ready for an under cover ball they are attending to. I didn't even get to see their attire when Sebastian told me to wait in the drives seat before they entered. I wonder what the master is wearing... The young lord is very independent, rather, tries to be, in most situations. More thoughts come to my mind, and I fear I am going to be a nuisance.

I stopped the carriage in front of what address the crow had given to me prior. I stepped to the ground, feeling cool gushes of air on my porcelain toned cheeks, waving my snowy white hair along with it, which made me tighten my grip along my coat that covered my upper torso and black dress I had chosen to wear. I don't enjoy wearing my maids uniform in public areas.. I paced towards the carriage door and placed my gloved fingers around the handle and opened the door.

I heard muffled laughs as a short lady in a pink hat and dress walked out. "E-Excuse me.. ?" I questioned the stranger. She looked back at me with... that.. deep blue eye. "M-My lord!?" I managed to speak out bellow a scream. He looked at me and blushed deeply. "Hello, Marrie." he stated crossing his arms and locking eye contact. I couldn't speak at that moment. But I placed my hands on his shoulders and bent down to his height. "Why are you dressed like this!? I could have done it for you..." I said stroking a large pony tail that spiraled down his navy blue hair. "No. Jack the Ripper kills prostitutes. And I am not letting you act like one." he said. I laughed a bit at his remark. "O-kay..." my voiced trailed off as Sebastian existed the cart and saw me. My face started to heat up when I noticed his attire. He was wearing glasses, slicked back hair and much different clothes than his normal butler uniform.

"Good evening, Desdemona." he stated with his signature closed eye smile that changes my mood in an instant. I gulped the lump in my throat as I tried to respond to the gorgeous man in front of me. "Hello Michaelis.. You look nice." I complemended the butler calmly. "Marrie, are you helping on the case or not..?" the young lord questioned annoyingly, as if he wants to get this over with, and I don't blame him. "Sure, just let me park the carriage."

I walked around in the rather large ball room trying to get pass the guests and find the young lord. He looks so cute and innocent in that dress that god knows how many pedophiles want their hands on him. As I managed to get to an area that isn't as populated and took a deep breath. Afterwards, out of nowhere music started and people surrounded me. "Damn.." I muttered behind my teeth. Then a hand came in contact with mine and spun me around into a dance. My vision cleared as I saw a pair of familiar crimson eyes starting back at me. "S-Sebastian!" I stuttered as he placed a hand on my waist. I was pulled right into his chest as he continued to dance and blend in. I looked up to make eye contact as he had a smug look applied to his features. I blushed darkly reverting my eyes to the floor.

"You look very lovely, Marrie.." he stated looked down as to is my attire. I looked back up to him as his smirk only grew. I only wore a black dress with grey lacing, nothing to fancy, because I had no intention to accompany this ball. "Thank you..!" I replied with a straight face and raised brows, surprised that he complemented me, because he usually teases me or corrects me, him being a slight perfectionist. The music kept going but I didn't acknowledge the dance, I looked around the room frantically trying to find my master. Sebastian placed his hand on my chin and made me look directly into his eyes. "It's rude to ignore your dance partner.." he stated with a straight face. "We should find the master.. incase he's in trouble.." I stated clearly showing the worriness in my expression. He sighed, and released his grip from my chin up onto my cheek, making me blush and revert eye contact once again.

"Honestly Marrie, lossen up a little.." he sighed moving my face to look at his. I gave him a glare in response, does he want the master dead?! "If the young lord is in need he will simple call me." he simply stated, his eyes glowing. I was still in a slight panic even if he was right. I changed priorities when Sebastian's grip squeeze around me. I looked into his eyes which were looking straight at me with a glare saying 'dance you little shit' which made my glare tighten. "Fine..." I sighed and regained my composure and danced properly. This put a smile of satisfaction on his features that made my chest beat and ache in response. "Marrie, your face is red!~ I wonder why..." he stated pulling me closer making me feel my face burn with a passion and my eyes widen. My body only stiffened slightly at my sudden, 'nervousness'... I shouldn't be feeling this though. I'm a demon for fuck's sake..! "S-Shut up, Michaelis..." I stuttered towards him.

He only kept moving swiftly at the violinists notes that set the dramatic aura to the room. Then the song came an end and all the dancers bowed/curtisied to each of their partners. I looked up after my curtisey to see the ravenette straighten his back, making me watch as his hair flipped back over his porcelain toned face. I stood in awe at his impeccable beauty. It was truly stunning, as always. "You're still blushing, are you enjoying the view?~" he teased pulling his bangs back in between his fingers with a smirk as he tried to be seductive. And, hell, it was working... I couldn't speak. "I-I'll be in the carriage...!" I stated, then bowed and made my way out the main entrance. I swung the doors open and slammed them shut and I stood with my hands on my face staring into the dark distance. My face... Heated... As if my blood was warm. Which it's not... A cold blooded demon can't have feelings such as these. Yes, we have hatred, passion, enthusiasm, depression.........yet......

Even in the deepest depths of hell...
Do not demons love one another..?

~Ciel's POV~
I fluttered my eyes open from the unexpected slumber I was cast upon, and ended up in a cage surrounded by many men gazing towards me, laughing and smirking. Then I realized I was still in the dress.... Bloody hell, what is this!? The last thing I remember was talking to Viscount of Druitt in the ball room, now this. "GENTALMEN~" I heard no other that the perverted Druitt himself. "TODAY'S AUCTION IS THIS LITTLE LOVELY WITH A PETEITE BODY, SEEMS TO BE IN EARLY TEENS AND HAS DIFFERENT COLORED EYES!!!" he continues all dramatic being as I was looked at by all of these pedophiles. I covered my eye with the contract seal frantically as I realised I had lost my eye patch. "Enough playing around.. Sebastian, come get me already!" I yelled as all the candles keeping the room lit blew out. It went silent then a faint 'yes, my lord' echoed through the room and soon enough the screams of pain and agony filled the hall with laughter from the demon. The candles re-lit and the bodies of the men were torn, thrown cut and spread across almost every inch of the rooms looring.

Sebastian walked up and took me out of the cage. "My apologies, my lord it seems the Viscount was not our killer, but indeed a perverted underground female auctioneer." Sebsatian apologized and bowed as he set me a side of the cage. Damned.. A suspect lost, and now to seek another.


One Hell of a Maid ~ Kuroshitsuji (Sebastian X Oc)Where stories live. Discover now