His maid, Heavens Conflict

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≡♡ Chapter 10 ♡≡

~Ciel's POV~
It has been of about a couple of days since I had received the letter from Ash Landers... I would have expected him to show himself sooner.. or even if he was to come, that is..
I pondered the thought as I peered over his letter once again, clicking my tounge is disgust, thus blinking, in my own trance.
Quickly then, a hand possessing a damp rag was constricted around my mouth and nostrils. My vision started to blur as I fought the unknown being trying to appaul me. They seem to be... drugging.. me with something..!?
I fought, yanking their powerfully strong arms from keeping me imprisoned in their grasp.
Before I could possibly process what to do next... Everything went black.. and was I ever to weak to move.


~Sebastian's POV~
"Are you sure about that..?" I teased the head maid, Marrie, with confidence as I listened to the clicking of her heels. My chin raised up as I turned my gaze to her.
"Absolutely." she insisted, as we both made our way down the hall. She held brand new sheets for the masters room, to prepare him for later this evening. "I would win, without a doubt, in a bake off with you!" she boasted, braggingly as he gave a closed eye smile and raised eyebrows. I chuckled at her cockiness and continued to make my way.
We came across our destination, the young lords sleeping quarters. Just as I was about to fully turn the doors handle, I felt no presence.

"The master.. He's gone." I spoke seriously, knowing if we opened that door he'd be gone for sure.

"Sebastian." Marrie spoke in a demanding tone, looking up towards me and giving a nod. That quickly determined me to save the master. I ran down the hall at my fastest pace and approached his study, door open, and empty, without life. I walked in, to notice his window was open, blowing in natures gust as the silk curtains danced along side it.
Then, a strong scent came along to it. An all to familiar smell...
"Cursed angel..."


~Ciel's POV~
I felt dizzy, my head pounding and my body weak. Slowly I came to my senses to see I was in a room, in which seemed as a lounge room from my experience. I trying to sit up, yet gasped slightly remembering what happened prior and seeing I'm on the floor just in front of a couch, one of three. My hands and legs... Tied up behind me. I squirmed and found myself sitting up, finally. I looked around and found a window, it was rather small.. But could give me a lead of some kind as to where I am. I squinted my eyes, peering into the window that was rather far from my view, to see.. The sky, and birds. Oddly enough, the outdoors are swaying and turning, as of though.. I'm on a boat..?

"Ah, I see you've awakened, my lord." came a perky deep voice, masculine enough to be identified as a male. I looked towards the door to see a man dressed in white, head to toe, along with intoxicating violet eyes, beaming down to my struggled frame.
"Are you..." I started my sentence, inspecting him greatly.
"Indeed, I am, Ash Landers.." He smirked, ever so cockily, making my stomach turn from the sight of this diabolical creature.. "Ah~ Little thing you are.." he continued to chuckle as I studied his form cautiously.
"What do you want with me!?" I spat as he inched towards me with ease.
"Heh~ Feisty, as well.." he sat on the coffee table in front of me, crossing his legs and letting out a sigh, "I came to tell you the truth." said he; with such an awful taste engraved into his tone, which dramatically changed his appearance. I gave him a timid glare, obviously interested in his persuasive tactics.
"Well then.. Go on--"
"It's the Phantomhive death." him saying this, shivers my body with tension. My breath hitches at the thought.. He knows.. What happened..?
"My.. Parents..?" I raised an eyebrow, keeping my futures as confident and monotone.
"Yes.. The death of your parents. I know why and how it happened, my lord..." smirking he gave a laugh, and sighed with content, leading me to believe.. His plan is falling into place.


~Sebastian's POV~
Marrie and I rode down to the docks of London, by horse back. We came to a stop as a rather large boat set sail, which held the lords scent.
"Tch..!" Marrie clicked her tounge in annoyance as she gracefully landed onto the ground to tie up her horse from letting it roam.
"What are you planning?" I asked curiously, as I did the same to my horse. I glanced at her as the wind blew softly, letting her long white hair dance along with it. She looked back at me with utter determination.
"We must continue to set foot on boat. Swimming would cause to much unwanted attention." said she; in thought, leading her finger to rest upon her chin as she pondered.
"Very well." sighing, I made my way down to the docking station, which possessed boats. "We'll take one of these. Come aboard." she obeyed my request and sat down. Later, making our way onto sea. Our lord will be rather grouchy if he isn't present for supper..


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