19: Music Was The Answer

Start from the beginning

"And I want to go through it my way." I gritted my teeth, "And you should get going to Kanaya's house. I'll catch up before it's seven." 

Feferi sighed and began walking away, but stopped, "It won't make you happy in the long run, Eridan. Just remember that, and remember that the decisions you make have consequences. I think we all should know that from what we did that caused the whole incident in the first place..." She began walking away. 

"Fef?" I turned.

I stood up, using my cape to wipe my face free from tears, "You guys know I forgave you all... Right?" 

Feferi smiled, "I think everyone does." She held out her hand, "Come on, we shouldn't be late." 

Sollux's POV: 

We all helped in setting up the long table that we use for Thanksgiving for the special dinner. KK and I helped the girls put all the dishes on the table. Karkat and Nepeta awkwardly bumped into each other when they were setting out the silverware, and the same happened to Dave and John when they went to the garage together to get extra chairs. Eventually, though, Nepeta and Karkat both walked outside to deal with their issues, and they came back inside, smiling. I walked over to KK, "What happened?" 

"We made up. I apologized for what I did, and she said sorry for shutting me out and ignoring me. We're friend's now. Plus she said this would save me from getting beat from Equius. Thank god he isn't as strong as he used to be." He smiled then tapped me, pointing behind me. I turned my head and saw John and Dave laughing as they walked back into the house. They were happily speaking to each other, "I guess Nepeta and I aren't the only ones who made up." 

Dave walked over to me, tossing me a soda, "Here, dork."

"Seems like you and John finally got things settled?" 

"Yeah. I just said sorry and I still want to be his friend. Like, we were best bros before everything went down, y'know? I don't want that to end just because of a mistake I did. Things are good now. It might take a while for all the awkwardness to stop, but I have a feeling tonight's gonna be a good night."

At that moment, Eridan and Feferi walked through the door. They came into the dining room and everyone greeted them, one by one. Hugs were given and Aradia kissed Feferi's cheek, trying to hide it from everyone, but I saw. I couldn't help but smile to myself. 
Then when I turned, Eridan was in front of me. 

"Oh, hi Sol..." 

"Hey." I smiled, "So, uh... How was your day?"

"Um, it could have gone better, I suppose. Oh well, we can't change things that are meant to happen." He shrugged. 

"Alright everyone!" Kanaya called out, "Food's all done! Let's sit down and eat!" 

"Alright everyone!" Kanaya called out, "Food's all done! Let's sit down and eat!" 

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By My 2iide (Erisol)Where stories live. Discover now