The evil of all evil

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A room like a chamber in a Mansion, at the right corner, there's a mirror with a chair in the front.
A boy is sitting on the chair,combing his hair he just finished dressing up.
He has black hair and he is using a golden comb. He is wearing a simple shirt with jeans and a white canvas.
An advance woman came in wearing a light blue gown and went to the boy sited. She stood at his back, took the comb from him and faced the mirror. As she helped him comb his hair, she asked "what are you going to do today?".
" I am going to kill every one and any one who stands on my way,and when I say stand I mean literally ",he said.
" that's my boy",she said as she kissed him on the head and went out.

A young beautiful girl with brown eyes, flat nose and pink libs. She has brunette long hair,she just started working in Jasmine's restaurant. She tied an apron and was speaking to a friend of hers who introduced her to the job.
"Doing great for someone who hasn't done this before".
" I have to do my best so not to get fired".
"If you keep on with what you are doing,you will never get fired".
" I don't live with my parents so I have to work hard to survive".
"You know, you are lucky is not every day you see a sixteen years old living alone".
As they spoke on,2 girls in the store room also spoke about an interesting story.
" it unbelievable but so true".
"Yeah to think that just a sixteen years old boy can make the town tremble".
" I heard that all the generation of his family line are evil ".
" yes,when his grand father came for his birthday last year, i heard he gave him a baby's heart as a present ".
" what is he suppose to use a baby's heart for".
As they spoke a young girl, a little bit older than them came in.
"What are you guys taking about, we don't pay you to talk you know".
" we are sorry, Annex".
In a bar cabinet 2 advance people talked, a man and a woman.
"How strong do you think David is?".
" as strong as his father ".
" that depends on how strong you think his father is".
"Strong enough to harbour a woman like me".
" oh really ".
As he went close to her and kissed her.
David put his power force in his car to enable the car control itself as the car read his mind to know where he is going to, then his phone rang.
" hello".
"Hey,Dave why aren't you here yet".
" I will be there soon, I have to do some thing first".
"Does that some thing you got to do involve blood stain".
" do I do anything with out blood stain ". He parked blocking the entrance to a street and went into the street as he went in every one ran in doors.
" oh my I love the smell of fear".
The young beautiful girl was going out to empty the dustbin.
" no,Cindy".
" don't go out".
" the evil child is out there".
"The what?".
Her best friend ran towards her.
" don't tell me you don't know the evil child ".
" Bless,what evil child? ".
"Come I will tell you about him".
"It is impossible for someone in this town not to know about the boy and his family".
" what do you mean Bless?".
"The child is so powerful that no one can defeat him and even if you are able to,you and your family will be killed by all the members of his".
David saw a lame man that was trying to run but with his disability he wasn't fast enough. David didn't care if he was lame,to him the man was at the wrong place at the wrong time, all he have been thought was kill since he was a child and now he doesn't care who he kills anymore, he doesn't have what they call feelings at least that what he thought.
" wow so cute,a lame man never expected you will be my first to kill today".
"No,please I beg you, don't kill me".
David used his power to raise him up and began to dry him up from the inside,the lame man screamed because of the pain.
From with in the restaurant Cindy heard the lame man scream.
" Bless,this story is interesting but what was that?".
"Forget it".
" someone is in trouble ".
" there's nothing you can do except from joining that person in his death ". " I don't know who this guy is but some one has to get over the fear and fight him".
Cindy opened the door.
"No...Cindy don't".
" sorry but I have to ".
She went out.
Bless cried for the lost of her friend because to her Cindy is already died.
Cindy came out to the quiet street." I can swear that this street was pretty crowded and noisy earlier ".
She heard the scream again and went towards the voice. She saw David holding the lame man and she shouted
" let him go".
"What!", David was surprised that some one will come out to him, he saw it as stupidity.
" you heard me".
"Is this a joke".
" do I look like I am joking ".
" you may think this is bravery but it foolishness ".
" call it all you want..."
"Now die", David cut in,he wanted to see the power this girl have over her sleeve,the power that gave her the boldness to face him.
He used his power on her,Cindy struggled and saw a branch of wood and ran with force to hit him in a cross way direction, from the right to the left,from the left to the right holding the wood.
" do you think this would defeat me",he said with a devilish voice as he held the wood and burned it to ash.
"You know I was right, you are foolish", disappointed that Cindy was a powerless girl who came to face him disappointed and ashamed, the only person foolish enough to face him was some one with no powers. He backed Cindy as he thought, he was not afraid of what she may do because he saw whatever it was that she may do will be worthless as she is.
Cindy saw a baseball bat under some woods among where she picked the wood that was turned to ash and used it to hit his head and he fell down and Cindy catches the lame man from falling.
" thank you ",he said with a low voice.
" it's nothing ".she said as she helped him inside as she ran back to the restaurant.
" oh Cindy don't do that again".her friend said with relief as she hugged her.
"You are lucky,Cindy",said Annex.
" no one gets away from the evil child except he wants you to ",said another girl.
" which could never happen ",said another.
" okay,it enough, Cindy tell us how you survived ",said Bless.
In a play room David and a boy the same age as David were chatting.
"Light skin, brown eyes and pink libs".
" before light skin, you said long Brunette hair right? ".
" are you having weak hearing or you are just too slow ?,if you are not sharp I will get another ".
" please don't kill me, here this must be how she looks ".
He gave David a sketch of Cindy.
" yes,you did great, now find out every thing about her,go!!!"
He disappeared.
His best friend came in.
"Quite a great description,who is that girl and what do you want with her, I know it either you kill her or you confess your love to her and we know confessing your love is out of the option, so what did she do to you to want her dead,oh I forgot she doesn't have to do anything right".
" what I want with her,what I do to her,what she did to me,is not of your business, stay off my business, stay off my case ".
"I can't stay off your case,you are my..."
"Don't say it,don't even dare".
" but it true,you are my best friend ".
"I don't have any best friend or friends, the people I have around are just for show and I can kill them all and replace them with another".
" I don't know about them but I know you, I have been with you for the longest time and we have been friends ever since, you are my best friend ".
A thin fair girl appeared older with a few years.
" I am looking for David,where is he?".
"And who is asking?", asked David.
"I need to see David he had to help me".
" with what?",asked Max.
"My boyfriend is missing"
"What a marvellous tale,your boyfriend goes missing and you end up dead",David said with his devilish voice.
" what!".
He jumped at her.
"Your cousin Kira,she sent me".
" what did you say?".
"She told me you could help me".
She said with a frightful voice, after realising who David was after he tried to kill her.
" you should have said that earlier ".

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