Chapter 1 : Broken Doll

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Her body was battered, covered in bruises, almost naked from the waist up, save for a now bloodied black bra. Her hand strung up above her. Face a bloodied mess. Left eye was swollen shut and most of her teeth- that she hadn't swallowed that is- were littered on the floor at her feet.

"You hit like a bitch." She snarled through fractured lips, bloody saliva dribbling down her chin.

The next punch rocked her head back and he thought he heard her neck snap.

"That's enough" barked the man, immediately the brute with the twisted, scarred face disappeared and another one took its place in her line of sight; a far more beautiful, if not infinitely more deadly, face.

"Had enough yet, Child?" Said the man, black eyes like ebony pools. She likened that, perhaps, she saw a hint of pity in those eyes. But, then again, she doubted it.

"Valentine." A growl. "Yes?" a smile.

"You are strong" He murmured, a sardonic smile twisted his beautiful features. "For a mundane." She had to blink the blood out of her eyes.

When her vision cleared she found him looking at her thoughtfully, fingers tap, tap, tapping his chin. After what seemed like an eternity of him scrutinizing her; he said finally: "Jace will be here soon."

"Yeah? How do you know that? How you know he won't just leave me here to die." Secretly she hoped he would. What kind of life could she live now? Valentine laughed. "Because he loves you, silly girl."

"To love is to destroy," she murmured softly, silent tears coursing down her cheeks.

He tsked. "He loves you," he continued, "but not enough to give up what he is. He'll save you, but only out of a sense of duty. You and him can never truly be. He is a Shadowhunter, a fine one even. And you," he laughed without humor or rancor, "are just a mundane, Alexandra."

"You're just hitting me with facts I already know." said Alexa. "I wouldn't ask him to give up who is for me."

"Because you already know what the answer will be." He shot back.

She shrugged, or, as close to one as she could get. She'd long come to grips with it.

"But," he said, pacing with vigor, his eyes alight with mischief. "What if I told you there was a way you and my son could be together. Really be together."

"Why would you want to help me? It's no secret you despise mundanes; almost as much as you hate Downworlders."

"Because I love my son." He said simply. "Love?" Alexa barked a laugh, "love? You don't know the meaning of the word."

"You watch your tongue, Child, before you say something you'll regret!" He threatened, eyes glittering like jewels.

Alexa said nothing. He sighed.

Valentine stopped to gather her face in his hands, his just inches away from hers. She could smell the drink on his breath. "Think of it! You could become a Shadowhunter! You, a mundie girl! You could become one of the greatest band of warriors that have ever walked this earth! I could give you that."

"The Mortal Cup." She breathed.
"Naughty, naughty Jace. Giving away Shadowhunter secrets like candy, why, if the Clave hears about this..." He laughed, arms spread wide, "But, then again, who will tell them? Me?" He laughed.

"Eustace!" Barked Valentine, "fetch me the Cup." The ugly Forsaken departed the room with a bow.

"I didn't give you an answer." She snarled.

"You didn't have to, Child. I can see the answer in your eyes." He smiled, "well, eye."

"Dick." She spat and he laughed.

Eustace- she couldn't imagine the beast actually having a name; especially on so.. mundane as Eustace- returned shortly with the Cup. He handed it over to Valentine and receded into the shadows once more. He held the Cup almost reverently before her. "You have one of two choices, Child. Choose life- live, be great. Be a Shadowhunter. Or, decline and die. Choose wisely."

ALexa hung silently, eyes closed. So silent he could have sworn she'd fallen asleep- had it not been for the tick in her jaw. Finally when he felt his patience almost worn thin; she sighed, and in that sigh he heard the sweet sound of defeat. He smiled then, like the cat who'd caught the mouse.

He'd caught his mouse. Bingo.

He slowly lifted the Cup to her lips. "You made the right choice, girl."

She grimaced but remained silent.

Suddenly there was an uproar above their head, it sounded like the ship was splitting apart, it rocked alarmingly.

"Ah," purred Valentine, "There's our dashing hero now. I'm afraid I'm going to have to make myself scarce." He gave her a small wave and disappeared into the bowels of the ship.

"Alexa!" Someone was shouting her name, "Alexa!" It was Izzy, though her voice sounded strange- distorted, like she was hearing her through water.

"I'm here," she managed through broken breaths, "I'm here!"

Suddenly there were hands on her face. Isabelle's. "Oh God! Jace! Jace! Jesus, God. Jace!"

"Oh shit!" another voice. Alec. Why can't I see anything? Am I blind?

"You have.. to go!" she gargled.

"What? Alexa I can't understand you- Alexander! Help me cut her loose!"

"It's a trap! Valentine! here." Louder now. Stronger.

"Holy shit! Alec! Get Jace."

"No need." Said a familiar voice. The voice she could pick apart in her dreams. The voice that invaded every single dream. She lifted her head, trying to pinpoint where his voice was coming from; though she knew it was futile. A bolt of pain shot through her head, making her cry out. This there were a different set of hands running over her face. She sobbed, not caring if the other saw. It didn't matter. She was gonna die anyways.

"Jace," she cried, "Jace!"

"Im right here, Sweet." He murmured softly. Kissing her face gently.

"Jace," said Isabelle, warning. "Valentine's still here!"

"Then go! Leave Valentine to me."

"Jace-" Alec. "I'm not leaving you."

"Please." He didn't know whether it was the fact that he'd never heard Jace say please in all the time he'd known him, or if it was the raw emotion he'd heard in that one single word. But, whatever it was it stopped Alec dead in his tracks.

"Okay, we'll go." He said. "Just.. Be safe." "What?" Shrieked Izzy.

Jace nodded curtly. Another explosion rocked the ship, the ground quaked beneath their feet. Dust fell around them like dirty snow. "Izzy.. come on!" Said Alec, pulling Isabelle along behind him.

"I don't know about you, but I thought they'd never leave!" said a voice behind them.

"Valentine." Jace growled.

"I'd rather you call me father." Said Valentine.

"I'd rather call you dead." Jace said flatly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2017 ⏰

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