We are the crystal gems

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Thanks for reading. Art is by a friend. Please leave feed back if you'd like me to continue.

Sodalite continued her journey, mean while the warrior amethyst and aquamarine had jut returned to the crystal Gems base. Around were all types of gems, smiling and enjoying each other's company. It was the complete opposite of how gems interacted on homeworld. Two different types of gems. No matter who was more rare or who was stronger. All these gems were seems as equal and all were respected and happy.
But for these two gems, a serious report was about to be made. Aquamarine looked up at amethyst, "you should go rest. I'll do the talking" she said giving a warm but still serious smile. Amethyst looked down at the smaller gem, "are you sure?". Aquamarine nodded, "I'll be fine. Rose quartz needs to know homeworld has Gems out searching alone. I doubt that sodalite was the only one
searching for us" she said
Amethyst nodded, "that's true. Then go on ahead" she said. Aquamarine turned and walked.
Soon she came upon one of rose quartz nearest friends, pearl, but rose was not with her for the moment. A rare sight.
"Excuse me, pearl? Where is rose? I need to talk to her" pear turned and looked at aquamarine, a small spark of jealousy caused pearls eyes to dull just a tiny bit but not so much that it were noticeable, "oh yes. She went out for a bit, she will not be good for to long. What did you need to tell her?" She asked curiously. Aquamarine spoke, "a sodalite just attacked me and amethyst. We poofed her and I think we mandated to distract her away from the course she was taking but I don't think she's the only assassin gem homeworld has looking for us. I wouldn't be surprised if there is a hand full of them out there" she explained. Pearl touched her chin as began to think, "yes. My, that is a problem. I'll tell rose as soon as she returns. If homeworld has gems like that out looking for us, we will certainly need to be looking over our shoulders". Aquamarine nodded, "I agree, but as of now I think the gem we encountered is the only one that's been spotted so far-" aquamarine was cut off by a friendly and familiar tone, "oh joy, I'm glade to hear you wish to join us!" The voice began and was almost immediately follow by another. One not yet confident in its self, "I will help in any way I can. I know this is what I want. And home world would never allow it" the conversion went on. Aquamarine smiled to pearl, "a new recruit?" Pearl held her hands together to her chest, a gleam of excitement now replaced the full of jealousy in pearls eyes, "oh yes, a fusion. Her name is garnet." She explained.
Almost by cue a tall pink figure walked out from the crowd of gems followed by a gem with pink and blue hair. A fusion who still needed some practice, "pearl, garner says she wishes to join us and help drive homeworld away! Isn't that wonderful?!" She said cheerfully but in a manner that still held an authoritative tone. "Oh yes, that if wonderful news rose. But aquamarine has some bad news unfortunately" She said. Roses expression changed to be serious as aquamarine explained, "amethyst and I were attacked by a homeworld assassin. She was walking alone. And I doubt she's the only one. Their looking for our base and we don't have a good method of tracking them if their alone" she explained. Garner looked up to rose, "I will let you talk alone if you want" she said but left before receiving her response.
Rose pondered for a moment then nodded, "these gems would certainly pose as an obstacle" she said and looked at aquamarine, who waited for rose to tell her wait to do.
There was an awkward silence for a moment before aquamarine spoke up, "so what should we do about them?" She asked. Rose thought once again, "we should round all these gems up at we can find. If they cooperate then we could set them free and allow them to join or to poof them and keep them out of the way. If we send them back to home world-" pearl cut her off sounding grave but less empathetic, "they would be shattered for failing". Rose nodded, "then it's settled, we will capture and imprison. Aqua" she said giving aquamarine a short nick name, "please gather a small group of gems whom you think would be good at this mission and find these assassin gems before they do any sort of damage." She said leaning to her level a bit. Aquamarine nodded and turned walking away.
Pearl watched as she left before glancing at rose again, "are you sure we should focus any effort on that? If we have gems to spare on gathering gems who may or may not even know what their doing then we should put them to work fathering our cause" she said. Rose stood up straight, "we are, by making sure our base stays hidden so home world can not harm any of the gems we have here who are resting" she said turning to watch the gems.
Some where sparing, sharpening their skills so they were at their peek if an attack were to suddenly happen. Some were resting. And unfortunately some where morning the loss of their friends whom where shattered by home world. They didn't even have time to collect their friends shattered gems. The battle wouldn't allow it.
"Every gem here has their own reason to fight. But home world gems often only have one reason for fighting and that if
Because they were told to. If there's any possible chance of showing those gems, there's more to existing than always following someone else's wishes, and there's a chance they can make their own wishes. They we could win this war" rose spoke. Pearl turned and looked at the gems smiling before holding her hands together by her chin and closed her eyes, "your always right. No gem has ever spoken such words of wisdom as you" she smiled but in the mist of her praising hadn't noticed rose's attention had been taken again and she was walking away. Pearl opened her eyes and blinked surprised that rose had vanished and skipped into a quickly run to follow after
Rose quartz

~To be continued

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2017 ⏰

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