Those darn crystal gems!

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Cover is from doll divine

Sodalite jumped from her ledge to the other. While in mid air she extracted her sword from her gem and landed hard, with her sword extended, ready for the first fight she would have with these crystal gems.
Ahead of her was a large figure, a tall amethyst, normally would be a strong quartz Warrior. And a smaller gem. She looked like an aquamarine. Both were crystal gems. That much was easy to tell by the stars on their bodies. It was some sort of special mark to the crystal gems, but more importantly it was an identifying mark to help tell who the enemy was for home world gems. They must have been on patrol of some sorts to make sure everything was clear before working on their next plan.
Did that mean their base was near by? No. it couldn't be. If it did, more crystal gems would have attacked by now. No, these gems were just watching sodalite. Either to make sure she was gong the wrong way or was seeing if she was worth the effort of attacking.
Sodalite scoffed at that idea. She was a gem assassin, and though she was meant for more stealth attacks. She watch still meant to fight. And she wouldn't defect like these gems. She would stay loyal to her diamond. Blue diamond.
Seeing her weapons and hostile pose, the crystal gems ready them selves by extracting their own weapons. The amethyst pulled an axe from her gem which was on her right shoulder. An amethyst was a gem who was meant to be feared. As warriors go they were close to the top. Sodalite wouldn't be able to pull any punches with her. But an aquamarine was more tricky. They were similar to pearls but were very smart and helped make new warp pads on new planets. They were, how ever, not know to fight. So sodalite had to make sure to watch her more carefully. There was no telling what tricks she had.
But one was obviously talking off her ears, "look we can resolve this without fighting" aquamarine said. Sodalite narrowed her eyes but didn't speak. She wouldn't waste time talking to the enemy. What? Braid each other's hair and tell each other who should walk away the winner? No, this gem would have to fight sodalite if she didn't want to be shattered. And sodalite fully intended on going straight for the gem.
Sodalite lunged at the aquamarine and thrusted her sword forward. But before it could make contact, the amethyst stepped forward with her axe, using the flat side of her axe like a shield and blocked sodalite's sword. Amethyst twisted her grip on her axe and swung it against sodalite to knock her back. Sodalite twisted in the air to land on her feet, though the force was enough to cause her to slide. She shifted her footing to have her right foot extended back to stop her self from sliding more. And it was good to. As sodalite glanced back, she was on the very edge of the cliffs surface.
Sodalite turned back in time to see the amethyst swinging her axe for her side. Sodalite leaped straight into the air and turned her attention to the aquamarine. She threw her sword like a spear at the gem. Aquamarine saw the sword and quickly back flipped out of its aim and stood straight up pulling her own weapon from a gem on her forearm. it looked so tiny, hardly visible. It was a tinny knife. Similar to knife meant for skinning animals hides. Not even the size of a dagger or a normal knife. Sodalite smirked amused that this gem thought she could do anything with such a puny weapon.
Sodalite formed another sword as she landed next to the aquamarine and clashed her sword with the tinny knife, "what are you going to do with that? Cut my hair?" Sodalite taught'ed. "You homeworld gems are so proud you can't see past your noses. Have you ever even tried to considered the earth is more than just some tool for you to use!" Sodalite's expression turned to a serious one and she took the weight of her sword off the tinny knife, and instead kicked the aquamarine in the gut to send her away just in time her look up and turn clashing her blade with the amethyst again. She had her left hand on the flat side of her sword to help push the axe from getting closer. Her footing started to slid back as the amethyst pushed harder. Like a bull. Sodalite pushed as hard as she could as their weapons shook against one another from the strain.
The sound of aquamarine coming in from the side alerted sodalite. She took her left hand off the blade of her sword to make another to clash against aquamarine's tinny knife agains both now worked on pushing sodalite back.
Sodalite began loosing her footing almost to the edge again. Amethyst suddenly push her axe up hard causing sodalite to tip and fall down. Luckily she didn't fall off the edge, but was half way off as her sword disappear from the surprise. The amethyst wasted no time in bringing her axe down on sodalite chest, purposely missing her gem. Sodalite attempted to made another sword to block but it was to late. She poofed.
Sodalite's gem fell to the ground making a light echo, glass sound as it did. The amethyst and aquamarine had won. The amethyst turned to leave as the aquamarine gently kicked sodalite's gem off the edge to send it to the very bottom. And then she to turned to leave with her colleague.

~to be continued

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