To Be or Not To Be

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I woke up in a great mood so as soon as I got dressed, I started to cook breakfast for Slim. He hasn't had a real meal in a long time so I'm going to cook some of his favorite meals this week. When I got done, I put his food on a plate with orange juice on the side.

Less than a minute later, I felt Slim's presence in the room. I turned around to see him in pajama pants and no shirt. During his incarceration, Slim had gotten sexier than before! I honestly didn't think that was possible.

"Good morning," he said to me in his sleepy voice. His sleepy voice sends chills down my spine.

"Good morning. There's your food on the counter," I said nervously.

"Thank you." He sat down and dug in. "Why you seem so tense? Loosen up."

"I'm not tense," I assured him. "Can you keep Imani today?" I put a piece of a pancake in my mouth.

"I don't know about that. Not by myself," he answered.

"Slim she isn't a toddler yet so she won't be any trouble. If she's crying that means she's wet, hungry, or sleepy. You can handle her for an hour or two."

"I guess," he said. "You gotta go ahead and make the bottles for me and shit though 'cause I don't know how to."

"They're already made up. If she isn't wet then look in the refrigerator, get a bottle, and put it in the microwave for less than twenty seconds. It can't be cold but it can't be hot, either."

"I got you. Where you going? You all dressed up and everything."

"Just a little business," I answered. I grabbed my purse, phone, and keys then headed for the door. "I suggest you take a shower now since she's asleep."

I got in my car and pulled off, heading to the strip club. This was a decision that I thought about for awhile. Certain things have to be done, even though I might not want them to happen. I have to give up certain things.

When I walked into the club, big tippers were there because I said I was coming through. I'm not here to work, I'm here to handle business but they weren't aware. I held short conversations with people but they came to an end when I saw who I needed to see.

"Platinum, what's up baby girl?" Raz greeted me with a hug.

"Nothing much. Can we talk in your office?" I asked getting right to the point of my coming.

He gave me a curious look, "Yeah, let's go." He let me walk ahead of him and he closed the door behind us when we made it to his office. "Is anything wrong?"

"No, it's just something important I have to talk to you about."

"Alright, tell me what's up then."

"I'm not gonna be working anymore. I apologize for such short notice and inconvenience but I have to quit."

"Why the hell not Platinum? You're my best dancer and you know you're my bread winner!"

"I'm sorry but I have a child now. Plus my baby's father is out of prison and he doesn't approve. I apologize, really."

"This is gonna put a dent in my pockets. I don't know how I'm gonna function," he said.

"I have an idea. You won't lose any money and I'll still be working for you," I told him.

He raised an eyebrow, "Explain."

"We'll have an audition this Saturday for new dancers. You can judge sex appeal and I'll help them perform; their choreographer."

"You know what? I think that'll actually work. I ain't with all that planning shit so you handle it and I'll show up, cool?"

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