Love & Hate

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Platinum P.O.V

I been following Christy at a distance for about twenty minutes now but fuck it, I'm getting my revenge on her regardless. This bitch just in her car, jamming to her music but that vibe is about to come to an end. I know it should be easy to catch her slipping because she still hasn't noticed me following her dumb ass.

After about five more minutes, she turned down a dead end road. I noticed the houses were pretty nice. Quincy probably got her over here but now that he's dead, I don't know what she's gonna do for means of income. She pulled up to a seemingly new, tan, one story house. I pulled up right behind her and saw her looking in her rearview mirror.

I got out and walked up to her driver's side door. I pulled on the handle and found it was locked. "You scared to get out the car bitch?" I asked still pulling on the handle. She looked scared then reached for something. "What you gon' do with it? Huh?" She grabbed the handle, pushed open the door and she stepped out with a gun in her hand.

"Yeah, who scared now?" she asked.

"Shit you must be, you shaking like a leaf."

"Bitch I don't have a problem with ending your life." she started then aimed the gun at me, "leave!" I smiled, laughing. I put my hands up and walked to my car. Once I started it, I let the window down.

"You know you just fucked up right?" I laughed at her, "never pull a gun out and not use that shit." I put it in drive and pulled off, taking the long way home.

Slim P.O.V

I walked up to Platinum's front door and knocked. Less than a minute later, she answered it wearing nothing but a t-shirt and some long polo socks. Damn, why her ass gotta sit up like that, I thought to myself. I followed her and sat down in the living room.

"What you call me over here for?"

"I gotta tell you something, it's important so don't think I called you over here to waste your time."

"I'm listening," I sat back.

"The other day, I thought I was going to see Drew but really I didn't. When I got to the place the person told me to go to, I got snatched in and this dude made me sit down. He wanted me to rob you for all the money and coke I could get my hands on or he was gonna kill both of us. I wanted to tell you but I don't want you to get killed or get hurt. I didn't wanna keep it to myself 'cause if you woulda found out, you woulda thought I set you up."

"You coulda just told me that bae," I got up and sat by her then pulled her on my lap, "instead of me thinking I couldn't trust you. Don't keep shit like that to yourself 'cause I got myself but I got you, too. As long as I'm breathing, you ain't gotta worry 'bout shit."

"I guess I should have 'cause you hurt my feelings when you put me out."

I kissed her, "I'm sorry. I love you, I ain't mean to hurt you." She sat up when I said that, looking me square in the eyes. "What?" I asked her.

"You love me Slim?"

"Yeah, I can't believe it but I do."

"I love you, too." she kissed me. I can't believe I just told this girl I love her but hey, why not be honest?

- 3 days later -

I pulled up to an abandoned building in a rundown part of town. It's like a ghost town. I slid the back door and walked in, locking it behind me. I saw Blue and Drew with three people sitting in front of them. Their arms and feet were duct tapped to the chairs.

This whole situation is about revenge. Christy, Quincy and some dude that wasn't familiar to me. Quincy killed Aleah when Platinum broke up with him, Quincy really just wanted to rob me though. Christy helped him with his dirty work and when she thought Quincy was dead, she came after Platinum. The third dude works for Byrd, we just showing Byrd that I'm not to be fucked with.

"Y'all ready?" I asked Blue and Drew. They nodded at me in return. "Lets get it then, who's first?"

"That bitch can go last, I want her to watch it all go down," I turned around to see Platinum walking from a dark spot in the room.

"What the fuck was y'all thinking? Why y'all bring her?"

"Was we supposed to just waste time pulling her out the truck? We was on a schedule nigga." Blue said back.

"I don't give a fuck what we was on," I walked over to her trying to get her out of the building.

"Slim what you doing?"

"Platinum you might think you wanna see this shit happen but you don't, just wait outside aight?"


"Because you not ready for all this, trust me."

"Okay," she slid the door and walked outside.

"Aight, now who's first?"

Platinum P.O.V

It wasn't a busy night at the club, that's good because I didn't have to do much. I asked Slim to stay the night with me 'cause I didn't feel like being bored and lonely. I took my shoes off and walked into my bedroom.

I dropped my shoes when I saw Slim draped in only a white towel. I got instantly turned on when I noticed the water sliding from his chest to his abs then disappearing into the towel.

"You see something you like?" he smirked at me.

"I might," I said walking towards him. I put my hand where he had the towel tied and right when I was about to snatch it off:

Knock, knock, knock!

"Man who the fuck is that?"

"I'll go get it," I sighed heavily as I walked out. I opened the door and saw Drew standing there. He brushed past me.

"Where Slim?" he was figgety and was talking in an impatient tone.

"In the room, I'll go get him," I went down the hall and into my bedroom. "Drew wants you, something gotta be wrong."

He put on his boxers and some basketball shorts with a wife beater and walked into the living room. I walked out behind him and Drew waved me off telling me to go back into the room. When I got there, I cracked the door; I'm too nosey to close a door! Besides, this is my house.

"Man almost half of our shit is gone! That's so much money we lost!"

"How much man?" Slim is always so calm.

"Five hundred," Drew said through gritted teeth.

"Call a meeting," Slim said. He turned to come back to my bedroom. I ran and hopped into the bed just in time. "I'll be right back."

"Aight. Come here."

He walked over to the bed. I got on my knees to where I was almost face to face with him. He kissed me again and again.

"Man I gotta go Platinum, making me lose focus and shit." I laughed as he walked out of the bedroom. I heard my front door close and I went to lock it behind them.

Omniscient P.O.V

About forty five minutes later Slim was busy barking orders to his soldiers and putting fear in them. If one of them had done this, they would be afraid to sleep at night.

Meanwhile, the person who did it was still working to bring Slim down. He had the money, now he wanted the apple of his eye. He knocked at Platinum's front door and waited.

About two minutes later, she unlocked it. She was so sure it was Slim or Drew because they're the only people who know her place of residence besides her family. She walked off, waiting for him to just walk in; worst mistake ever.

The mystery dude walked in and put his arms around Platinum's waist, planting soft kisses on her neck. In the darkness, Platinum led the way to her room. She climbed into her bed, pulling him down with her.

She pulled his shirt off because she loved the way Slim's abs felt. She rubbed his stomach and felt nothing but that, stomach! She scooted up and turned on her bedside lamp to find a stranger in her bed.

"What the fuck you doing in my house?" she backed away, getting out of her bed.

"You let me in baby," he smirked at her.

"Get out!" she pointed towards the door.

"Don't be rude, I'm not gon' hurt you," he inched towards her and she continuously backed up until she was pressed against the wall.

Platinum screamed at the top of her lungs. All she wanted was help. He back handed her and she fell to the floor, blooded dripping from her lip into the palm of her hand.

He snatched her by her hair and put his hand around her neck, right under her chin. He pushed her head with force against the wall.

"Shut that shit up, bitch," he looked around. "Where's Slim?" she shrugged her shoulders. "Yeah I bet. Now listen, you gon' shut up and not say a word. If you scream, I'll blow your fucking brains out. Put some clothes on so we can go."

Platinum stood up and walked over to her dresser. She put on a sweater, a scarf, tights with sweatpants over them and Uggs. It's cold outside and she can prepare for the weather but there was no way she could've prepared herself for this.

"Let's go baby, witcho' fine ass."

She followed him outside and got into a dark blue Maserati. He got in the driver's side, starting the car. He pulled out, taking her to his house; what a rookie mistake.

Slim P.O.V

"Five hundred thousand dollars ain't no small amount, you feel me? Find out whoever the fuck stole my shit. I'm not gonna play with y'all niggas, man. Three days, y'all hear me? When those three days is up, somebody gonna die. Its up to y'all if it's somebody outside the mob or inside."

I barked at them even more after already fussing for fifteen minutes straight. When I felt like I was done, me and Drew got into my car heading back to Platinum's house.

I turned the knob, noticing Platinum left the door unlocked for me. I'm about to fuss at her ass too 'cause she know better than that.

I walked into the bedroom and didn't see her. I looked in the second bedroom and didn't see her. Kitchen, living room, bathrooms, laundry room, no signs of Platinum.

I saw her phone go off and saw some blood on the carpet by her window. The bed was messy and the cover was on the floor. I looked at her phone and saw the text was from a text free app. I opened it up and read these words:

Playboy Slim thought he was untouchable. I robbed your ass and took your bitch, all in one night. I'm getting one hell of a laugh from this shit. Don't try to find her, she my bitch now.

I threw the phone down and walked into the living room.

"Fuck wrong with you nigga?" Drew asked.

"He took Platinum man, he got my baby."

I got my tech-9 from her coat closet and walked out the door. I hope that bitch ready to go to war.

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