Compromising Situations

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Slim POV


My head shot up, I ran outside to see a car had ran into Platinum's car. I looked around from her then heard her mother screaming.

"No! Not again! My baby!"

Drew and Platinum's male cousins were trying to separate the cars for some reason while her female cousins were pulling somebody out of the unknown car.

I saw Platinum's body laying on the ground between the cars. It was motionless and looked lifeless.

"Baby wake up," I said shaking her.

It was commotion going on everywhere. I saw a single tear rolling down Platinum's face. The paramedics ripped her from my grasp and into the ambulance.

Me, Drew and Blue got into Drew's black Chrysler. He was burning rubber until we were in front of the emergency room door.

I walked in and burst through the double doors.

"Sir you can't come beyond this point," a nurse said trying to stop me.

"Move!" I commanded. She immediately stopped and I continued walking.

I saw Platinum sprawled out on a table in the operating room. Three nurses dressed in all blue with gloves, hair bags and mouth coverings tried to push me back into the hallway.

"Don't worry about me! Get y'all asses in there and help her!"

Drew and Blue finally caught up to me and made me go back into the waiting room. I paced back and forth the whole time.

"Nigga sit the fuck down! You making me nervous!" Blue said shaking his head.




I sat beside Platinum's bed while her mama kissed on her face, pushing her hair back.

I been here the last 3 days. The only time I leave is to bathe and then I come right back, that's it. The only person she talks to is me, she hasn't said more than five words at a time to her mama or anybody else.

I want her to just get up and say lets go home. I want her to be lively again and happy.

"Slim i'ma go home and get some rest but I'll be back first thing in the morning."

"Yes ma'am, goodnight."

She shifted slightly in the bed, she can't really move. The car damn near made her a piece of paper. They better hope the police gets that bitch before I do! She gon' die, real soon.

"Slim you can go home if you want."


"Why you so hard headed?"

"Why you talk so much?"

She sucked her teeth before saying, "I'm taking your ugly ass feelings into consideration so shut up."

"You getting nasty huh?"

"I might be."

"Yeah you know not to call me a bitch."

"You're such an irritation."

"Like you don't irritate me."

"Whatever Slim."

"Your stinking ass."

"I had a bath when you were asleep nigga don't play me," she said rolling her eyes.

"Oh forreal?"


"Can you feel stuff from your waist down?" She nodded and I smirked. I lifted her hospital gown after I locked the door.

"Slim what you doing?"

"I'm hungry," I kissed the insides of her legs and she giggled.

"Are you serious Slim?"

"Hell yeah I'm serious."

Bon Appetite!

Platinum POV

I don't know how in the world I'm recovered from all that I've been through, I know who made it possible though and I thank Him everyday.

Now it's time for revenge. I heard Christy hasn't been arrested and she's laying low. That's great for me because I can find her if I want, I have connects all over.

I heard my phone ringing, I rubbed my eyes and looked to see who it was calling me at 7 AM.


"Wake up, wake up."

"I'm up Drew, what you want?"

"Come to the address I text you, it's important."

"Give me an hour."

"Aight bet."

I got up to take a shower. I let the hot water run down my body, it feels so good but I got business to handle. After about twenty minutes, I got out to dry off and put on lotion.

I put on some baggy black pants, a black hoodie and some black Timberlands. I got my phone and purse then went to my car and pulled out.

I knocked on the front door of the place where Drew instructed me to come. When the door flew open, somebody in all black snatched me in and covered my mouth.

"Aight little bitch, sit the fuck down and don't move." They said from behind the ski mask.

"What is this about? Christy?"

"Christy? I don't even know who that is but I'll tell you who I do know," he paused, "Slim."

"What does Slim have to do with you or me?"

"That's your nigga so don't act dumb."

"What y'all want?"

"All the coke and money he has."


Right after I said that, a dude walked into the room. He looked about twenty-five. Not muscular but no scrawny, he's cute but he's not Slim.

"Nigga where your mask? Dumb ass!" The dude that snatched me in the house said.

"Who the fuck you talking to? I'll blow your fucking head off, I'm in charge of you nigga so shut the hell up!"

The dude did as he said and took a seat.

"Now you," he paused. "Ice, Platinum, whoever you supposed to be --"

"How did you call me from Drew's phone?"

"You shouldn't keep your car doors unlocked and it seems like you would have a lock on your phone too."

"You snuck in my car?"

"I didn't, my tech dude did but that's not important."

"Can you make this short?"

"You rushing me?" He licked his lips.

"I might be," I smirked.

"Slim fucking with my money, understand? See I couldn't find Slim, so why not get you to do my dirty work?"

"Dirty work?"

"Steal all his coke and money, I'll let y'all live."

"That's it?"

"You ask it like it's so simple."

"Honey with what I got between my legs, anything is simple. Can I go now?"

He chuckled a little, "you know what? You actually can go. I'll be seeing you soon Platinum."

"I'm sure you will."

I walked out of the house calmly but on the inside I was going insane. I don't know anything about shit like this!

I got in my car and drove towards the bridge. I threw my phone into the water and kept it moving, he might have a tracker on it.

I opened the door at home and saw Slim in my living room. I sat my purse down and locked the door. I sighed heavily and started towards my room.

"Hey to you too," he said still looking at the TV.

"Hey Slim."

"What's wrong with you?"

"Nothing, had a long day." I laid on his chest.

"Platinum you were in the house all day until two hours ago."

"What you getting at?"

"Nothing. Did you see Drew today?"

"Yeah, I stopped by his house for about an hour then rode around town a little."

He nodded before saying, "I asked 'cause my cologne is on your shirt, I knew he stole my shit." I giggled and shook my head.

How am I gonna tell Slim about this? If I don't tell him, he's gonna think I set him up but if I do, what if he gets killed? I don't know what to do.

Slim POV

Me and Platinum laying in my bed watching TV. She was laying on my chest, being really quiet.

"Platinum would you ever lie to me?"

"What? Why you ask that?"

"Why didn't you answer off the rip?"

"No Slim, I wouldn't lie you."

"Where were you yesterday for those two hours?"

"I told you I was with --"

"Why you lying? He pulled up to your house like fifteen minutes after you left."

"I didn't say I went straight there."

"You still bullshitting 'cause he had left just before you pulled up."

She got quiet, I waited for a response.

"What's going on with us?" I asked, she sat up.

"What you mean us?"

"You cheating on me?"

"No baby, I promise I'm not, I swear Slim."

"Tell me what the fuck going on then!"

"It's just that," she hesitated, "I don't .."

"Man watch out," I got up and she held on to my hand. "Get out."

"What? Slim no."

"Stop bullshitting me Platinum!" I hollered, growing impatient.

"I'm not!"

I walked out into the hallway towards the kitchen, she got up and followed me. I opened the front door and threw her clothes on the roof of her car.

She ran outside behind me in only her panties and bra. She wasn't concerned with her clothes, she was following me.

I pushed her off me and shut my door. I don't have time for this shit. I can't even trust her, I'll be damned if she spend the night where I lay my head.

The next morning I got up, showered and got dressed. I ate some cereal, got my phone then walked outside. I saw Platinum sleeping on my lawn couch.

I shook my head and walked over to her. I tapped her shoulder and she started rubbing her eyes. I still don't wanna be anywhere near her lying ass.


"Babe," she stood up trying to hug me.

"Move your car, I gotta get out," I said and pushed past her. She dropped her head and pulled out, speeding off down the road.

Platinum POV

"Fuck Slim! I don't wanna see him or talk to him ever, I'm done with him." I said to Drew.

There was a knock at the door, I got up and answered it. I came face to face with Slim. This nigga is so sexy! I just wanna jump on him and go at it.

"Watch out," I said pushing past him. I got in my car and pulled off, heading to chic-fil-a.

I walked in and placed my order. When I turned around, I bumped into somebody.

"Back the fuck up!" I said then looked up. It was the dude from the other day.

"You got one smart ass mouth."

"Yeah, I know. Can you move?"

"I like being in your way Platinum."

"I'm sure you do whatever your name is."


"Well excuse me Byrd, can you fly the fuck up out my way? Thanks." He chuckled then let me pass.

I got my food and started eating at a table in the corner. I looked up and saw that Byrd had came and sat in front of me.

"So, how you coming with that job?"

"I'm working on it," I lied.

"You know," he paused. "If I find out your pretty ass is lying to me, it's over."

I got my bag and stood up before saying, "You obviously don't know who you're having a conversation with. Don't come for me, I'll send for you when I'm done!" I said and walked off.

Fuck! What have I gotten myself into? I shoulda got with a welder or something.

I felt a car speed past. I had my head down and my back turned but when I looked up I saw somebody I haven't seen in a while. My heart started beating fast. I got in my car and followed them out of the parking lot.

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