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"Actions prove who someone is. Words just prove who they want to be."~P I N T E R E ST

He wore a dark brown coat, black shoes, and a black hat, that made him look like Inspector Gadget. He kept fiddling with that one golden bracelet he always kept on his right wrist. He insisted that it was for good luck, and never took it off.

"Mija," His voice sounded so soft and cautious, this was a side of my father I'd never really seen before. He took a few long strides towards me, slowly, as if doing so would slow down time, I thought.

"What's up, Gadget?" I tried to smile, "Did the doctor say we can leave already?" My father might've been a liar, a cheater, and what not, but he never lied to me.

Yet this time I wanted him to lie to me more than anything in the world, to tell me that the doctor had messed up the results of the examination, and wasn't talking about me. That I simply had a chicken nugget stuck in my Sternum or my ribcage.

"No." His dry lips parted, but then he froze for a few seconds, "They—no. Not yet."

Gently, he sat down beside me, and took my hand into his, careful to not unplug any of the wire like connections, from which my hands were connected, apparently they'd taken about three pints of blood from me, leaving me extremely lightheaded. My breaths were still getting back to their normal pace, but then again, who knew if they would ever even be normal.

"Is that all?" I raised an eyebrow at him, as he finished explaining about my pints of withdrawn blood. 

"Well, no. Not quite." His eyes flickered to the gray floor tiles,"I don't wanna tell you this." He whispered, "I can't. I don't know how." He rubbed the sides of his face as if an allergy had just gotten to him.

"You don't have to, I heard everything." I told him quietly, as if mostly to myself.

"So you know..?" He gasped, leaving his face alone for a second.

"That I'm gonna die? " I cocked my head to the side, "Yeah, I mean aren't we all gonna die someday? So it's really not that big of a deal." I tried to laugh, but it came out feeble and forced, but furthermore, awkward.

"It should've been mi suegra," He choked out, tears spilling from his eyes, like a sprinkler on grass. This is how he, apparently cried.

"It's gonna be okay, Gadget. Get your act together." I patted his back as sat he next to me, with his face buried in his hands. "Please take care of Pamplemousse Empire for me. Make us legendary!" My voiced filled with enthusiasm so much, that even I bought it.

"There's no cure as of right now, but—" He glanced up, wiping his tears with the sleeves of his coat.

"You're gonna freeze me?" I cut him off," What am I now, a fillet mignon? "

"There may be a cure a few years from now, science is capable of gr—"

"No, thank you. But no. The thought of it really creeps me out." I worked my pale fingers on my hair, into a French braid.

I spent a whole week in the hospital, hating every second of the blanch, thin sheets on me, the sugarless, dull taste of the food, and worst yet, the lack of fresh air ; trapped in those depressing four walls. My father had yet again insisted that more tests should be done, maybe there had been an error after all.
Despite my efforts of letting him know how much I hated the thought of getting locked up in a freezer in some laboratory, every time he brought it up, his insisting never ceased.

When Friday night finally came, the doctor wasn't wearing his white coat, nor his glasses. They'd been replaced by a brown jacket, and jeans.

"Are we going home?" I asked my father, as he followed the doctor inside the room.

"Yes," he half smiled down at me, handing me a change of clothes. "Don't forget to drink this, it'll make you feel better after being in bed for so long." My father reached for a squishy white substance poured into a glass.

"Please hurry, we don't wanna seem suspicious." The doctor's voice stopped me from questioning my father any further, and with that, they both exited the room.

We exited the building, discreetly, but fast enough to make it outside before anyone would recognize us. I figured I was supposed to stay here until I died or something along those lines, and perhaps my father had paid the doctor to help him get me out illegally?

I comfortably settled in the back seat of my father's car. Due to the fact the nurses had withdrawn a couple more pints of blood from me today, I still felt a little lightheaded. The roads were mostly secluded, illuminated barely by the yellow glowing lights that seemed to falter with each second that passed. Soft murmurs were exchanged between my father and the doctor. I began to wonder what they could possibly be hiding from me that was so inapt for my ears, but the road never seemed to end, and eventually, I gave into sleep.


Even the slightest movement on my behalf hurt. I found it hard to open my bleary eyes. On reflex I immediately attempted to rub  my fingers over my eyes, but something forcibly held both of my hands strapped down.  By a leather belt, I figured, as so were both of my legs.

"Father!" I yelled, my voice sounding much smaller than I'd intended, into the utter darkness that filled the empty room.

Within seconds, three men wearing blue lab coats, rushed into the room. All three wore masks. As soon as one of them turned the lights on, I scanned their hidden faces, only their eyes were visible. But my father's eyes were truly remarkable to me, as they reflected my own.

"The med's have worn out!" One of the men yelled. "Henry please bring me another sedation shot!"

"On it, sir!" The shorter one replied.

"No! Get away from me!" I struggled against the leather belts. "Father don't let them!" I pleaded, looking at my father , who now stood beside me.

"I'm sorry Zhamira." His hand came down towards my face, but I moved just in time to avoid his touch.

"I don't want to do this, I already told you I won't let you go through with this! " I yelled at him.

"Oh Zhamira, but I already have. It's for your own good, you'll thank me later mija."

I shrieked in pain as probably the biggest needle I'd ever seen, was slowly inserted into the soft flesh of my neck.

I could barely make out my father's last words,

"Duerme Zhamira, duerme mi niña."

Asdfgj I hope ya liked the chapter! My first few chapters are usually boring and suckish, but necessary because they're like...the intro..? Idek XD

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