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Hunter comes down with my phone and laptop.

"Wait!" Christine yells, "I'm taking you to the hospital right now!"

"Now?" Hunter asks.

"Yes, now! None of you can come, stay home and watch your brothers ok hunter?" Christine says.

"But Mom!" Hunter says wanting to come.

"You stay here!" She says.

I get up and Hunter helps me walk to the car, I get into the car and Hunter goes back inside.

"Ready sweetie?" Christine asks.

"I guess."


We arrive at the hospital and they take me in right away. They say I have something way worse than a cold and to figure out exactly what it was they had to put some tubes attached to me. After about 1 hour they start deciding on what I might have.
There is a huge list and they scan through what they say I might have.
Not the flu.
Not a fever.
"Ah! Ok we finally know what you have.. I'm so sorry but Ms.Russo here has.... cancer." The doctor says.

My heart drops, my stomach turns in so many ways, and I feel like I'm going to pass out.
"Oh my... are you sure you don't have the tests wrong?" Christine asks crying.
"We are 99.9% sure." The doctor says.
"Let's go home!" I yell cry.
I run out of the room and run to the elevator. I push the down button. Hurry up! The door opens and I rush in. I push floor 1 and the close doors button. The elevator goes down and when it opens I run outside and to the car. The house is only about a 5 minute run from here. Sorry Christine I'm not waiting. I take a piece of paper and pen and write 'Christine I ran home so don't wait for me :) see you there :)'
I put the note on her window and start running.


I run in and decide not to tell anyone. I sit on the couch and tell everyone that I'm fine. Christine pulls up to the house 5 minutes later and before she can even get out of the car I run to her.

"Stop crying! We aren't telling them anything!" I tell her kinda harsh.

"We can't lie to them!" She whisper yells.

"We can't tell them the truth Christine! They won't treat me the same!" I start crying.

"Well the doctor says you will for sure 100% , live for 3 months, and after that it's fighting for your life. You have 2 months to tell them. If you don't tell them, then I will!" She says.

"Thanks." Is all I can say. I only, for sure, have 3 months to live? I hope I can fight this afterwords.

I go inside and Sit on the couch. Ashton sits by me and says, "I'm tried."

"Me too Ash." I say.

We lay on the couch and fall asleep together.

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