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"Ashton wake up." I say lighty shaking Ashton.
"I don't wanna." He wines.

He gets up and we go downstairs for breakfast. The current time is 8:48 and everyone is at the table waiting for the food to be done. 

"You stole my girlfriend!" Hunter yells acting mad.
"She's my bestfriend!" Ashton yells.
"She's my sister, so both of you back off!" Brandon yells smiling.
"Guys stop!" I laugh. They all look at me.
"Who's your favorite?" Ashton asks. 

"Well let's see. Brandon, I can trust you with almost anything, you're there for me, and you act like a brother. Ashton, your the cutest, I have to give you that *laughs*, and you know how to cheer me up, you're like my bestfriend. And Hunter, we've been bestfriends for 2 years and now we're dating. So I don't have a favorite. I love you guys for different things." I say smiling.

"Wow that was sweet." Hunter says smiling. 

"But if I have to choose." I say looking at their smiling faces. "I choose Ashton!" I say quickly.

"Ha! Told you losers!" Ashton yells. I laugh at him and we go sit down at the table. 


I get up and walk out of Hunter's room as he starts a broadcast. I go into Brandon's room and plop down onto his bed. "I don't feel good." I tell Brandon. 

"Cold?" He asks.

"Probably." I reply. 

I take my phone out and go on instagram and notice that Brandon and Ashton followed me, which got me even more followers, 40k, to be exact. I don't even get why people are following me, I'm just Hunter's girlfriend. I don't do younow,, youtube, or anything. Maybe I should.

"Hey Brando?" I say.

"What's up?" 

"I kinda wanna start being a youtuber." I say smiling.

"Well I need to be more active on youtube anyway. Let's make some videos!" He says.

He gets out a camera and sets it up in his room, he goes on twitter and tweets.

Ask questions under the hashtag #askBessica for a youtube video (me and Jessica we need a new ship name :) )

After about 20 minutes he starts the video. He does a little intro and explains what we're doing. 

"First question. How do you know eachother?" Brandon reads. "Well we know eachother because of my brother, Hunter. She has been a supporter of his ever since he had 30 'fans' on younow, and they just started talking since he didn't really have any fans." Brandon explains.

"Second question is what is your favorite color? Mine is blue." Brandon says.
"Same here!" I say.

We go on answering questions and we started acting silly whenever a weird question was asked. When we finished his video we made a video introducing my channel.

By the time we were done editing and uploading the videos it was 10:00pm. I decided to sleep in Hunter's room tonight. 

"You tired?" Hunter asks as I walk into his room yawning. 
"Yep. Let's watch a movie to put me to sleep." I say hugging him. 
"How about this! Jessica, how would you like to go on a date with me?" Hunter asks.
"Well Hunter Bryce Rowland, I would love to!" I say.
"Well let's have this movie as our date in the basement." Hunter says.
"The basement?" I ask.

He takes me donwstairs and there is a fort made out of blankets with our laptops and everything inside. 

"When did you do this?" I ask amazed.
"On younow, they told me how to do it." He says smiling.

We crawl inside and cuddle up as he starts the movie

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We crawl inside and cuddle up as he starts the movie. He put on twilight knowing that it's my favorite. During the movie we talked about anything and everything. After a while he asks, "Have you had your first kiss?" 

"No. Have you?" I ask.

"No, but I really want you to be mine." 

"Awe Hunter." 

I look into his green eyes, and can't look away. He suddenly leans in and so do I. Next thing I know his lips are on mine and I feel fireworks every where. I pull away and he smiles.

The Secret |Hunter R.| ✅ Where stories live. Discover now