Chapter 48: Start Again

Comenzar desde el principio

"Okay, understood." John turned to his side. Red was trying to rouse Louis from his slumber. Charlie was slumped over in the corner, covering his eyes with his hands and massaging his temples with his thumbs.

"Rough night?" He asked Charlie.

"Yeah, rough's a word for it. The sooner we get out of this fucking place, the better."

"Need to talk about it?

"He did plenty of that last night," Red said, speaking in her natural Scotish accent. Everyone noticed the shift, but nobody mentioned it.

"I did what?" Charlie asked.

"Good God, how drunk were you?"

"Drunk enough to talk to you, apparently."

"Really, we're gonna do this?"

"Actually... let's not," he grumbled, covering his eyes and rubbing his temples.

"There's a good boy."

"Anyway, if you two are done," John started.

"We heard, man. We have earpieces, too." Charlie groaned. He pulled his earpiece out and put it in his pocket, then leaned back his head against the wall, trying to catch some more sleep.

"Who woke me up..." Louis' voice boomed. All their heads darted to his direction. So he was alive...

"That would be Will. Coms are back online, so we're moving out soon," John said, checking over Louis.

"How soon is soon..." Charlie groaned, head rolled into the corner.

"I'm sorry, is this mission interfering with your drinking schedule?" Louis countered.

"Look man, I had a nightmare of a night, so I would appreciate not doing this."

"You had a bad night? I almost died! And the only company I had during this was the Baron."

I heard that! Hissed the Baron.

"I know you did..." growled Louis back. "And what happened to you?" he asked Charlie.

"Oi, Louis, get off his case," Red said, tiredly. Louis looked at her confused. Why was she defending Charlie? She of all people should normally be on Louis' side in this. Well, at least not on Charlie's. It must be something serious then... Perhaps he shouldn't pry more. He shook his head and rolled over to his side, slowly standing up. "Let's get a move on. I'm sick of sitting around. Where are we anyway?"

"We ran off into Ground Zero to hide. Not optimal, but it's the only place they wouldn't be able to find us while we recovered." John told him, gathering his gear and stomping out the small campfire.

"Did you see them?" Louis asked. "The Charred?"

"Yes," Charlie said curtly.

"And I distinctly remember you calling them a myth."

"Shut the fuck up," Charlie countered, no humor or levity in his voice. He slowly stood up, lighting himself a cigarette. Red shook her head at Louis, wide eyed, hoping he wouldn't continue this discussion. Sometime later, she would have to explain to the other two what happened. When Charlie wasn't around to listen. She doubted he'd want to hear that story again. He got the hint, and nodded his head back at them. "Let's just go," John muttered. "And no more talk about this."

Charlie quietly guided the group back to the truck, purposefully avoiding the old Yevchenko house. John drove them all back to Koyec, as Charlie was still too drunk to be behind the wheel. They drove it all the way to the center of town, by the town hall. Will and Nox must already be inside, waiting for them. They looked at the bodies of the dead Zhar-Ptitsa soldiers littering the ground, already looted for their weapons and armor and other valuables. John opened the doors and the others followed inside. Will was sitting on the bench in the reception hall, waiting for them.

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