Chapter 35: Long, Hard Times to Come

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     "He escaped?!" the Zhar-Ptitsa commander screamed at Anastasia. He was red in the face, veins in his head and neck throbbing. The collar of his uniform seemed to be strangling him. His thick Russian accent made him seem even more furious. Gael stood over her shoulder, shaking his head, smug expression on his face.

"Should have left him with me," he muttered, his inflection saying "I told you so." The commander waved his hand, dismissing Gael. Gael promptly left. He took a bottle of clear liquid out from under his desk. "I hate to serve stereotypes, but I need a drink." He pulled the cap off and took a swig. The red remained in his face, but the veins slowly began hiding under the sheets of his skin. "Now, how exactly did you lose him?" he asked, putting the bottle back under his desk.

"He had friends," she started. "The friends that killed Seo and GLOK, and put Damion in the ER."

"The what?"

"Sorry. Medical," she said, speaking Russian to make herself clear. The commander nodded his head, understanding. "I see you did not give him up willingly, at least," he said, motioning to his upper lip.

"This is no big deal, though," said Ana, now back fully in Russian.

"He is a traitor!" the commander screamed again, the veins returning. Anastasia held her tongue. She wanted to scream back. But she couldn't do that. Any indication that she was on Charlie's side would get her killed. The commander took a swig from the bottle again, regaining his composure. "Please explain how this is not a big deal."

"I can get him back, easily. He's wounded, and I know where he is. Plus, he trusts me."

"No. We need you for other assignments. Besides, we don't need any more agents on the inside." Ana's eyes lit up. Of course they had people on the inside. But who? Did Nox know? "Which ones are there?" She asked, casually.

"Classified," he said. "Your past relationship to the fugitive is suspect. If I told you, you might tell him." Relationship was one word for what was going on between her and Charlie.

"No, I won't," she insisted. "You can trust me with that."

"You've already proven yourself to be disloyal to someone."

"Fair enough, I suppose." He was right, after all. The first thing she would've done with that information would be to tell Nox. Wait, did Nox know there was treachery in the operation? He had to figure, but she better mention it anyway. Doubtless he'd want to hear that. "Will that be all?" She asked.

"Yes. Now get out of my sight!" She jumped up and scurried out of the room, then crept down the empty hallway into a dark, empty room. Hastily, she pulled out her comlink from her pocket, whispering to Nox on the other end.

Meanwhile, back in Pinnacle, Red received a message of her own. "They all must leave," it says. She stares at the green Cyrillic on the screen for a few seconds before shutting it off quickly. Time to go to work.

"So, John," Will began. He and John were alone in Will's War Room, in the basement of his mansion. Being the governor came with perks. "We're putting the revolution on hold for the time being."

"Why's that?" John asked. He was particularly relieved that they wouldn't be putting civilians on the line. Yet he was nervous. Will was so passionate about this plan, yet he did not seem dejected by postponing it. "We have something else to take care of first. Karlov wants to meet with me, in person, to discuss the events that have transpired."

"No doubt it's a trap."

"Oh, it absolutely is."

"So we're gonna set up our own?"

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