My dad didn't answer he just stood and walked back to his chair, we both knew what this meant. He abruptly changed the topic.

"You guys missed school today, but you're going tomorrow." He said picking the files back up.

Danny stood telling  my dad goodnight and walked out of the office.

"Dad, there's nothing at that school that will help me find Artura." I said as Danny closed the door.

" I know you want to find her, but you still need to bring up that grade in pre-calculus. I don't know where graduation is on your priorities list but it doesn't seem too close to the top." He said.


"No but's Marco, you're going to school and if I get any calls saying otherwise, I'll kick your ass. Goodnight." My dad said taking his phone signaling that he was done talking to me.

I caught the hint and left the office going back up to my room, Danny bad been waiting by his door and when he saw me he was right on my ass.

"We can't go to school tomorrow, we gotta find, Artura." He said.

"Yeah you can do that, but dad already threatened to kick my ass if I skipped. Not taking the chance." I said.

" Well, how about if me and Nate just go looking for her, I'll ride to school with you, but I'm gonna leave with Nate and we'll be back around 6th period." He said.

"Oh yeah, and what are you gonna say when dad gets the call that you aren't at school?" I asked.

"Easy, he's not gonna get a call because I changed the number on my files, so whenever the school makes a call it comes straight to my phone." He said smiling.

He told me the rest of his plan and said goodnight heading back to his own room.


The next morning went without a hitch, Danny had left school with Nate heading to Isabella's,  to see if they could find anything, while I sat in school.

There were missing person fliers for Artura all around the school, that were put up after school yesterday by some other students who stayed after for extra curriculum.

It seemed like people's first response when they saw the fliers, we're on come directly to me and ask me how I was handling it. All. Day. Long.

After third period,I had gone to my locker just to grab my pre-calculus book before lunch when this mouthy girl, Sierra, walked up to me.

"It must suck, huh?" She said.

"It mean yeah it does, we're gonna get her back though." I said closing my locker and facing her.

"What? Oh, you think I'm talking Artura, no. Naomi." She said.

"What about about Naomi?" I asked.

"Damn, man. I know it's hard losing Artura but, you at least had to know that your girlfriend withdrew out of school, like an hour ago." She said locking up at the clock.

" Where is she moving to?" I asked completely ignoring the statement about Artura.

"I don't know, somewhere out of the state." She shrugged.

"Alright, thanks." I said rushing past her.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and started texting Danny. I walked into the cafeteria, without Danny and Nate, it felt empty. I didn't even get any lunch, I just sat at the table and I started to double text Danny because it was taking him too long to text back.

Book 1: ValentinaNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ