Chapter 1

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When I got home from school I thew myself on my bed and layed there for a while.

*Ring ring* 

'Hey Luke' I said, In a tired tone.

'What's wrong with you?' 

'Nothing, Just tired.'

'Okay, well do you wanna come over? I'm with Kayliee and she's pissing me off'

'Okay, I'll walk over now'

'Okay see ya' 



'Is...Um, Jai there?'

'Find out when you get here bitch' And he hung up.'

I put my hair into a messy bun and put some comfy, but nice, clothes on. 

'Bye mum!' I shouted, and I walked out the door. It was 5pm, So it was getting dark. I walked down the main street, looking into shop windows admiring all of the beautiful jewelry for sale. The town looked SO beautiful when it was dark, with all of the lights shining up the city. Just before I reached Luke's, I have to go through an ally way. I took a deep breath and   walked through there quietly, clenching my phone in my hand, That ally way always scared me, for some reason. 

Suddenly 3 men jumped out in front of me, all from different directions. I instantly turned around to escape, but there was no escape . There was men behind me, too. I tried to run past them, but they all stuck their arm out and blocked the way. A sharp knife in one of their pocket's caught my eye. So I decided to stay still. Petrified, I gasped and tried to ring Luke, but  As soon as my phone raised above my shouder, One of the men snatched my phone off me. 

'What do you want?!' I shouted, as loud as I could, but no one heard. They all roughly grabbed a part of my body and ripped my jacket off, searching for anything that would be worth any money in my pockets. They took my phone, but they didn't find anything else.

They all started to leave, laughing. Except one of them, which I noticed hadn't touched me at all. He was wearing a black hoodie and tracking bottoms, with a plain black mask covering his face. He slowly lifted his mask up and looked into my eyes,  I saw a glimpse of his face. 

'JAI?!' I shouted

'shhhhh!' He said, But before I could reply one of the other members of the gang's fist met my face, and that's all I can remember. 


Then I woke up. In a familiar house, that I recognized... A lot. I raised my head to see where I was, But I felt a soft hand press against my fore head, Pressing it back against the pillow. I was so tired.. I closed my eyes for while, not caring how much danger I was in. I drifted off to sleep for a few minutes. When I woke up  I could just about make out The room, and I realized I was lying on the couch where I first saw Jai.

'Leah, You need to rest...' I recognized the voice, not in a good way. I sat up and saw Jai, with his head in his hands, sitting next to the end of my feet. 

'J-Jai?' I whispered. 

He looked up, And his eyes were red, he had been crying. 

I stood up and looked at him. 

'IT WAS YOU, WASN'T IT? I KNEW IT! WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT' I said, loosing my temper.

'Look, Leah listen.. I can explain.'

I gave him a dirty look and started to walk out the room.

'Leah! Please let me explain, please!.' He said, almost crying.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2014 ⏰

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