Love Will

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" Who would gave you the world today?
Who would tell you that every things okay,
Say all of the things that you want to hear?
Who would take away all of your downs and fears?
Who would promise you the moon and stars? Yeah
Vow to never ever break your heart. Yeah
Who would tap into your very soul,
Than turn right around and be so cold?
Love Will
Love Will [x4] Love will, love will
Have you up and down all round in circles.
Love Will [x3] hey love (It will... Have you)
Let you in, turn around put you out in the cold.
Oohh"  Jordan Spark- Love Will

Kaelynn P.O.V

I smiled as Ebony placed her small hand on my face smiling. "aafgdevbtd" Ebony said as slob dripped from her lip. I took the bib wiping her mouth as she smiled. "She's so Pretty" Bahja said as she sat next to me on the tour bus couch.

I was waiting for Jacob and the boys to comeback from soundcheck. "Thank you" I said as she smiled, "She looks just like Princeton" She said as I smiled. "Is he the daddy" Bahja said as Ebony smiled playing with bahja bracelet as she plopped down on my lap.

"No, I was actually.... Raped and The person got me pregnant" I said playing in Ebony Curly hair. "I'm so sorry" She started but I cut her off "Don't be... I'm actually happy if that doesn't sound crazy, But that person brought me my beautiful daughter"  I said kissing Ebony little cheek.

Just then Jacob and the boys walked in, I watched in lust as The sweat beads rolled down Jacobs toned 6 pack as he guaped down the water.  Jacob smirked catching me checking him out as he plopped down next to me grabbing Ebony right out my hands.

"Whats up baby girl" Jacob said wrapping his sweaty arm around me. "Move Jacob you all sweaty"  I said as he smirked. "oh please you wasn't saying that a second ago when you was checking me out... You little nasty" Jacob said as I blushed embarrassed. "Oh shut up" I said as I laid my head in Jacobs chest.

Chresanto watched from the corner as he had a agitated look on his face. Me and Chresanto eyes met as we looked at eachother for a second before our stare broke. "You look pretty" Jacob said stroking my Curly hair as I smiled.

"Shut up, I need to go buy my virgin brazilian and everything, This hair need some taming" I said smiling, "I like you with out your weave" He said as His hand stroked my Curly hair that stop a little above the middle of my back. "Oh whatever" I said before getting up going to the kitchen.

I dug through the freezer for a diet coke, I had finally found one and turned around as my eyes met Chresanto. I flinched from being unaware dropping the diet coke right out my hand. "Oh I'm sorry I scared you" Chresanto said as we both reached down to get the pop as out hands met.

We looked in eachother eyes as I blushed, "Thank you" I said smiling as we stood up with our stare not breaking. He took a step closer to me as my back pushed against the wall, My breast pushed against his chest, We were close enough to kiss. Our eyes broke as our eyes roamed eachothers body. I felt our hands touch as we hand continued to touch before he pinned me to the wall.

Chresanto leaned in as our lips were so close to touching. "Um... Shayla's on the phone" Zonnique said as she gave me a grim look. I rolled my eyes at the thought of shayla moving Chresanto off of me. Chresanto looked at Zonnique annoyed, Chresanto snatchefd the phone from Zonnique as he let out a agitated hello. As I walked out the kitchen, I felt myself being bumped hard, I knew it was on purpose because how much force was put into the bump, I nearly fell on my face.

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