Emotional Rollercoaster

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" Last night I cried tossed and turned, woke up with dry eyes.
My mind was racing, feet were paceing.
Lord help me please tell me what have I gotten into.
Ran my 3 miles to clear my mind, it always me out,
it's my therapy when I'm losing it which is usually." Vivian Green- Emotional Rollercoaster

Kaelynn P.O.V

The pain I was feeling was unexplainable, I was dieases free but who's ever had raped me had gotten me pregnant. I was so much in my thoughts, and Embarrassed I didn't contact anyone.

But Somehow Jacob had found out before chresanto. It's been Two weeks and Jacob visits me everyday, I really didn't want his presence, I wanted Chresanto here to comfort me.

But I guess we both are wrapped up in our terrible lives to even pick up the phone.I haven't been to school since then, My face was healing but my eye was no longer swelled closed it was just a black eye now.

"So your keeping the baby" Jacob said sitting next to me, Even though he was cool now, I didn't feel comfort around any man so I scooted over. Jacob seemed hurt by it but had let it go in a second. "No" I whispered, I couldn't keep this baby, She will never have a father, and Seeing her little face will be a reminder of the rapist everyday.

"You got to keep the baby, That's your baby too, That baby is apart of you" Jacob said as I sighed. This baby is a part of me, If I killed her I was killing my own child, and I wouldn't be able to deal with that.

"Your right, But she will never have a father, and-" I started but Jacob cut me off. "How about I step in as the father" He said as I frowned, That was just doing too much. "No, That wouldn't be right" I said turning my head away from him.

"Come on please, I always wanted to be" Jacob said as I rolled my eyes. "No" I said again as he ignored my answer, Talking about how he going to spoil the baby. I don't even know if I was keeping it, It was just a constant reminder of that night.

My walls ripping as the man continued to thrust in me even through my painful screamed. The piss running down my face, and His fist constantly pounding in my face. Tears rolled down my cheek as Jacob continued to talk about the baby.

The door flung opened hard as I seen Chresanto fuming in here hard. "Hi Chresan-" Before Jacob could finish Chresanto hit him in the mouth so hard that he flew to the wall. Chresanto grabbed his shirt picking him up with one hand slaming his body to the wall. Chresanto got ready to hit him again but I grabbed his fist..

"Baby, He hasn't did anything" I said running my hand on chresanto back. "Let him go Chresanto, Your better than that" I said as Chresanto mug look soften. He released Jacob from his tight grip before hugging me.

"I'm sorry I wasn't here when you needed me most, You don't know how much I love you" Chresanto said burying his head in my shoulder. I ran my hand through his curls, The same hatred look Jacob gave me the day I got jumped was the look Jacob had on right now.

"I think I'll just leave" Jacob said giving us a look of Envy, Hatred, and more. He snatched his coat off the couch leaving.

We sat on the couch as I laid my head in his chest. "Chresanto, The man who raped me had got me pregnant" I started as I fiddled with my fingers. " You not keeping it are you" Chresanto said upset as I frowned.

"I think... I think I'm going to keep it" I said as His as Look of anger formed. "Why the hell would you keep a nigga that raped you baby" He said crossing his arm angrily."Because this baby is also mine, and There's no way I'm killing my child, If the father is a rapist or not" I said before speaking again.

"I will be everything for my child that my parents weren't for me" I said frowning. "I just got raped two weeks ago, and Are they here to comfort me? No! They're at work avoiding the issue that they're child was raped" I said as water formed in my eyes.

Chresanto layed my head in his chest as I sobbed. "I'm there for you no matter what" Chresanto whispered in my ear as I continued to cry in his arm.


Jacob P.O.V

I was fuming, What the hell do Chresanto have that I don't. "We need to get a plan to kill Chresanto" I said to sandra as she frowned. "We're not killing Chresanto, He's my babydaddy" Sandra said as I smirked.

"Bitch we all know that he ain't your babydaddy, You delusional bitch, Your baby daddy Marcus don't want anything to do with your or that damn baby, So you telling chresanto stupid ass that it's his baby so you can get a check" I said as She frowned.

"We need to fucking kill Kaelynn" Sandra spoke as my face rose with anger. "You stay the fuck away from kaelynn, Nobody's going to hurt fucking kaelynn" I said as She smirked.

"You weren't saying that when you was thrusting inside of her" Sandra started as my anger started to boil. "Or when you pissed all over her face" Sandra said as my I started breathing rapidly in anger.

"Or when you beat her to death" She said smirking. I gripped her neck choking her as Her smirk turned into a shocked expression "Jacob stop" She said as Tears ran down my cheek. "You know I didn't fucking mean to hurt kaelynn" I said as tears ran down my face.

"Please I'm pregnant" She struggled to get out. I let her loose as her body hit the floor with a loud thump. "You stay the fuck away from Kaelynn bitch" I said as She tried to even out her breathing. I walked out her house popping the locks to my car as the biggest smirk spreaded over my face. Operation kill Chresanto.


I saw yall last comments, Lol yall wasn't expecting the last chapter. But Keep Voting and Comments Love You guys.

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