03- Suspicion

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At around 5 pm, Raven had finally pulled into the driveway of her new home after her 2 long hours of detention with Mr. Harris. The edges of the clear blue sky were beginning to darken, the vibrant blue had dulled and become a dark hue of royal blues and violets. The sun was peeking out behind the house across the street, giving the illusion of shadows scattered across her bare lawn.

She sighed in contempt, her shoulders relieving themselves from tension as she walked up her steps, turning the key and entering into the home filled with nothing. Raven had only had the bare necessities installed, because she didn't plan to stay long. She was always moving, paying in cash only and sleeping with one eye open wherever she went, on the run from her past and the demons she tried to leave behind.

Her long, slim fingers ran themselves across the walls of her temporary home, until she reached the small kitchen that only held a fridge and a few counter tops, the cabinets stocked with dry goods and non perishables, easy to buy and easy to leave.

The way that she lived was not by choice, but was forced upon her by the very person that she was trying to leave behind, and who would not let go of her, no matter how hard she tried to shake him. This person, was the cause of her nightmares, the reason she didn't let people in easily, the very thing that shook her core and left fear embedded in her bones.

Raven could easily pinpoint her worst mistake. Her worst mistake, one she would always live to regret, was bumping into her worst nightmare, almost a year ago to the day. She always contemplated her life if she had never met him, had never given him the time of day, had never seen the things she saw him do when he thought she wasn't watching. Her life would certainly be different if she had never met him.


The leaves crinkled beneath her feet, her boots shining in the rays of the sun as she took each step. The woods were particularly windy that day, and the trees whistled with the sounds of the air as each gust came.

She had been on her way to school, and the path through the woods was always a little faster and much prettier. Every morning and every afternoon she walked the same path, but somehow the woods never got dull to her, the magic of the silence in the vast land was always intriguing to her, and it was always more and more beautiful every time she walked through it.

She studied each and every nook and cranny of the visible areas of her path, eager for the knowledge of how nature worked with and without human influence. She knew every step, and how long it would take to get from here to there. What she didn't know, however, was that she was being watched.

Everyday, she failed to notice the body that walked parallel to her a hundred feet away, studying her and her habits as she did the same to the land before her. He was so interested in her that he wanted to make her his.

He was obsessed with her, that much even his family knew. His room was littered with photographs and paintings of her, her eyes twinkling in each one. He spent his weekends across the street from her house in the tree that peeked just into her bedroom window, studying her like a biologist studies their specimens.

His family was concerned, to say the least. She was at least 5 years younger than him, they knew, as he was 20 and she was a newly turned 15 year old girl. He ignored their help that they had offered, set in his ways and his love for this girl.

One day, in the spring, he had finally worked up enough courage. He was going to meet her today, as previously he had been too nervous to finally meet the only girl he had ever loved.

After school, in late March, Raven was walking along her path back home. She was bundled up in a hat and a cute sweater, a scarf loose around her neck and black leggings that hugged her legs. Her signature boots squished in the wet ground as she held her arms around herself, trying to keep warm as she stepped. She kept her head down, watching her boots, so she didn't notice the boy in the path in front of her until it was too late.

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⏰ Poslední aktualizace: Feb 13, 2017 ⏰

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