01- Warm Welcome

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The sun beat down heavily on the small town of Beacon Hills, California, the sky unbelievably clear as people bustled about on the various streets, no one stopping long enough to notice the moving truck pull up into a large house's driveway, and no ones steps faltered when the For Sale! sign was taken down. None of the residents on that street payed any attention to the distinct sound of boots clacking on the ground as their new neighbor walked into her new house for the very first time. No one cared. That was all about to change, and Beacon Hills hadn't had the slightest clue what massive storm was about to hit them, in the form of a brunette girl, clad in blacks and reds, until it was too late.


Raven Cadwell strolled up to the entrance of Beacon Hills High School at 9:30, fashionably late to everything, as always, even her first day at her new school. When she pushed open the doors to the building, she was met with empty halls and silence, as all the students were supposed to be in their first period class. The sound of her boots clicked and clacked on the floor, filling the silence as she made her way to the office around the corner, her lips tilted into a lazy smile as she pulled the glass door towards her and as she walked through it. She walked up to the front desk, her scarlet red nails tapping on the counter to get the secretary's attention.

"Oh! Hello there, you scared me, girly!" The secretary exclaimed in a slight Danish accent, as her hand found her chest in shock. "What can I do you for?" She continued, and her breathing calmed down when Raven painted a fake smile on her face at the woman.

"I called over the phone about a week ago, saying that I was transferring here this week?" Raven stated, inwardly cringing as the chubby woman grinned widely at her, her fingers immediately finding the keys of her computer as she typed.

"Oh yes ma'am you did, deary! You must be.." The woman trailed off as she leaned forward, her nose practically touching the monitor as her kind eyes squinted at the screen, "..Raven Cadwell?"

The girl in question nodded, and the woman behind the desk clapped her hands loudly, and strangely seal-like, as she bared her teeth in the widest of smiles Raven had ever seen. "Well sweetcheeks, I'm Linda, and I'd like to formally welcome you to the neatest little town, so welcome to Beacon Hills. Why don't you have a seat missy, while I grab your files and your class schedule." Linda suggested, her tiny hand gesturing to the seats a few feet away, as she pulled herself out of her chair and made a show of bustling over to the filing cabinet at the corner of the room.

Raven nodded complingly, her feet leading her to the cushion chairs. When she sat, she began to rub her temples in circular motions, her head pounding with a onslaught of a migrane from Linda's voice. It was too bright and chirpy for this early in the morning, and Raven was glad to have the peace she did while the round woman searched through the student files.

The moment of silence did not last long, however, as Linda waddled over to her desk, before she promptly plopped onto her swiveling chair. "Alrighty then, just come up here honey, so I can get you sorted and off to your first period with a late pass. May I ask why you are late, sweetie?" She asked, her head lifting from Raven's files to the girl herself, who had made her way back to the counter, just as her headache had made its way back to her brain from the nasally sound of Linda's voice.

Raven's eyes widened, her face displaying a guilty look. "Oh goodness, am I late? I thought I was early." She frowns, checking the time on her phone, seeing it displays that she was late, she slides it into her pocket. "Oh gosh darn it, silly me, I didn't change my clock on my phone back an hour when I moved here, since I used to live in a different time zone. I'm so embarassed." She states, although the honest situation happened to be that Raven did not want to get out of bed when her alarm clock hit 7:30, and she overslept. Linda didn't have to know that, though.

"You silly girl!" The Danish woman teased. "Well thats quite alright, I'm sure no ones going to be mad at that, although I will have to be telling the principal, Mr. Argent and writin' it in me logs." She frowned sympathetically, before perking up. "Okey dokey then sugar, you are all set to go. Your first class is with Mr. Harris, right down the corner and a wee bit to the left." Linda pointed out of the office, while handing Raven her schedule and a map of the school. "Good luck!" The secretary said as Raven made her way out into the hallway and towards her class, not looking back at the smiling woman.


Raven walked as slow as she possibly could towards the door into 'Mr. Harris'' classroom, her feet dragging as she fluffed her hair and smoothed her leather jacket down, which hung loosely off her shoulder to show off her red shirt, and the ends of her jacket lightly brushed against her black high-waisted skinny jeans as she adjusted them. She wasn't nervous, no, far from it, actually, but she did want to make a good impression on the students in the classroom in case any of them were cute.

When she was sure she looked presentable, she pushed the wooden door open and strutted through, her chin up as she looked around the classroom from the threshold, immediately noticing that the teacher had in fact stopped teaching, and he was throwing a glare her way.

"Ms, I think you might be lost, which adds to the point I was making before you rudely interrupted me, about human stupidity." Mr. Harris, or so Raven assumed he was, said, his beady little eyes sending daggers into her body as he patted the shoulder of a boy with a buzz cut when he emphasized the word stupidity, causing said boy to frown.

Raven shook her head, already hating this teacher more than she has hated a teacher in a while, as she sticks her pass out to him, letting him come to her as opposed to the other way around. As she stood her ground, she let her lips curl into a smirk, her lips parting as she mocked him.

"Actually, Mr. Harold," She started, her intention to say his surname wrong, "I believe that this is the right classroom, considering I'm new here, but I sure am glad you just proved your own point about the whole human stupidity ordeal, though I don't really know what that has to do with chemistry.." She trails off, watching the class and him as they all grow red, although the students resembled tomatoes because they were poorly concealing their laughter, and Mr. Harris was simply because he was ticked off at this strange girl.

"It's Harris, Ms..." He trailed off has he looked at her pass, then corrected himself. "Ms. Cadwell, and I am truly sorry, but you've just earned yourself a detention on the first day of class, though I do believe you will be serving many of those with me this year. Find a seat." Mr. Harris commands, his voice booming with a sharp edge as he turned back to his blackboard.

Raven's smirk grew tenfold as she slowly walked to a free desk, just to annoy and prolong the teachers anger. She finally got to a seat, and as she landed into it, she almost immediately felt a tap at her back. She turned around, not caring about the glares Mr. Harris sent her as her eyes fell on the buzz cut boy from earlier behind her.

"Yes?" She questioned, as the boys eyes twinkled. He grinned at her smally, exclaiming, "That, was awesome. No one ever stands up to Harris." She smiled back at him, whispering stagely, "You'll be seeing a lot more action from this seat then, because I really hate him already."

Suddenly, she could hear a throat being cleared as she turned back around, seeing a fuming Harris once again. "Mr. Stilinski." He said, not using his inside voice, "It seems as though you would like to join Ms. Cadwell in detention, so I'll see you at 3."

The last thing Raven heard before she zoned out as a groan from the boy behind her, Stilinski himself.

(1470 words)

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