Chapter 1: A Looming Threat

Start from the beginning

"So, old friend. What brings you here?"

 The visitor leaned forward. "I came to ask for your help. I need you to find someone.”


“I only know that he's no friend.” Ermac paused. “At first I thought that my equipment was malfunctioning but it was not. Someone is trying to interfere with the ship controls. He's trying to break into my systems. I don’t understand what intentions he has, but they are sinister. For the last few years the system was glitching, anomalies occured. Some engine malfunctions here, some program breakdowns there. I noticed that over time they were increasing. All ‘accidents’ were not random. Their goal was to alter our course or even to prevent the ship from accelerating. As we both know – during the initial stage of the trip the efficient work of the engines is the key priority. It’s a major threat we’re facing, Tom.”

“I will find him," Tom replied without hesitation, "As soon as you get back, send me a report of all malfunctions caused by this person or a group during the period of last year. Don’t forget to add a list of possible intrusions from the networks.”

“It is just one person, not a group. And I’m afraid I won’t be able give you the information you are asking for.”


“Because 'she' refuses to share it, Stacy can be troublesome and stubborn at times. “ Ermac sounded irritated.

“I see...“ No surprise on Tom's face. “Do you have any leads that I could follow?“

“No, I only know that he is using sophisticated equipment and has access to almost any place inside the city, including basic engine controls that are accessible to personnel with medium clearance level.” Ermac made a long pause. “Anyways, I came to you because I feel that this time we’re in over our heads. Tom, please. Be careful.”

“I will. I always am.”

“Good to hear. I'm thankful for your time.” Ermac stood up.

“What? Come on sit down. Don’t walk away like that. There are many things I wanted to talk about.”

“I need to go.” Ermac aproached the exit and turned before leaving the room. A sad, old wrinkled face became visible from beneath the cloak. “As I told you before - I am happy I have someone I can trust.”

After the visitor disappeared in the doorway, Tom was left wondering - what had happened to his old friend during all those years?

The safety of Ermac, the Navigator, was Tom's priority. No one else knew the peculiarities and problems of cutting through the fabric of space with a ship this massive. The ship's controls would only recognize the Navigator's identity. Only he could guarantee that the giant spaceship - Nautilus was going to reach its destination.

The real danger was not the threat to Ermac's life, but the possibility of sabotage. Tom knew, that Ermac had ways to cheat death. The old man was more than meets the eye.

For the next few minutes Tom was staring at a single point far beyond the walls of his office and thinking  about his next course of action.


Tom Landau walked out of a building, passing a gate with a board labeled “Security HQ”. A cold breeze tangled his long hair. After stepping down a couple of stairs he looked up.

Two large circles in the sky trailed the lines of the horizon of a clear blue sky. The small bright sun high above spun in its never changing position, Tom could feel its warmth falling on his face. Before long and a period of winter would come. Soon the weather would get cooler with each day.

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