1- Percy POV..... 3 Years Ago

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Being flashed into Olympus is never fun, so imagine getting flashed in there a couple of days after the war with Gaea ended. Two days after everyone in the seven but Annabeth had survived. Sure I had Jason and the others, but I still felt broken. Most demigods might have said that's what happens to us. We die young.

Anyways, as we all get flashed into Olympus, I quickly narrow my eyes at Zeus as my vision focuses. As I remember to bow, I bow and look at each of the Gods and Goddesses quickly, then lower my eyes to stare at the floor.

"Young demigods," Zeus roars as we all stand to face him. "You have all helped Olympus greatly once again, so we will all grant you one wish," He says eyeing us all, "and will grant you immortality unless fallen in battle."

I quickly raise an eyebrow about this, then slowly lower it knowing he isn't going to take no for an answer.

"Leo Valdez," Hephaestus says as he stands to look at his eager yet tired-from-crying son, "your wish?" He asks breaking out into a fun yet serious smile. I look at Leo, thinking about what he might wish for. Maybe something silly like making Festus indestructible if he is ever rebuilt or getting Festus to actually become real. Leo looked up at his father. "I wish for Calypso to get off the island." He says seriously, waiting for someone to object. I look at Leo with a knowing look, then at the Gods with a tiny yet kind-of scary wolf glare. They didn't fulfill their promise! Well, what would you expect from Gods.

Hephaestus sighed in a defeated way then snapped his fingers. Out of no-where popped Calypso, her hair braided and wearing a kind-of casual outfit. She looked at the Gods in confusion, then saw Leo and smiled brightly whole running up to him. When she reached him she quickly wrapped her arms around him and gave him a hard hug. She then saw me with him and I smiled brightly and waved.

I looked towards Ares in his Roman form as well as Hades as Pluto. Hazel and Frank look at each other before coming to a silent agreement. "I want to live as peaceful of a life that someone like me can get," Hazel says confidently to Pluto. He nods, then Ares- sorry Mars - looked at Frank. Frank said the same as Hazel. Mars looked a bit saddened at the prospect a peaceful life then nodded knowing Frank wasn't going to change his mind.

We then moved on to Aphrodite who still had red eyes because her favourite couple since Helen and Paris weren't able to be together anymore. Even Athena was still crying, not attempting to hide her tears.

Piper steps forward, holding hands with Jason, making Aphrodite feel a bit better. They both look at Frank and Hazel, then look at each of their parents. They then say the same thing as the last couple. The Gods nod in understanding.

The Gods look at me since I'm the last one to have to make a wish. They look at the couples then at me, probably thinking that my wish would be the same as theirs.

My wish is large though, and it most probably is going to sound depressing. However, I really want it to happen and I want a break.

I lower my head as a sign that shows that I'm sorry, tears brimming in my eyes. I finally look up at them, tears running down my cheeks. "I'm sorry," I croak out to everyone in the room. "My wish is split into three parts," I look at everyone slowly waiting for them to get out of the shock of me apologizing for something they don't know about yet.

"The first part of my wish is because I'm going to become immortal. I wish to have the ability to change how old I look. The second part of my wish is that I could live in the mortal world for as long as it takes for me to finally feel like coming back to the demigod way of life." I looked at their shocked faces. Half of them had eyes filled with shock, the other half had eyes filled with understanding.

"And the last part," I said looking directly at my father, "is for my demigod scent to be removed." I ended that with lowering my head. I closed my eyes, and from what I hear Zeus was trying to control the drama queen he is.

"Seems reasonable." I hear Athena say. "Very well then, your wish is granted." My father says. And with the blinding of a light, I look around at the others with us all glowing in a non-obvious way.

I smiled, then ran to my friends for a goodbye hug, informing them that I'll see them from time to time and I'll visit camp when I can. I turn away from them and run out.

I run out of the big room hosting the Gods. I run down the streets of Olympus, and I run out of Olympus overall. Leaving my life behind for the time being. I need a break.

Percy Jackson: Agent Of SHIELD, Part Time AvengerWhere stories live. Discover now