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I always believed that I was clever. Smartest of all my siblings, or of anybody I knew really. I was good at school, and in college. No one ever had the nerve to call me dumb. Why should anyone who knew me do that? Then I married Steve. He was the man of my dreams, all that I could ever want in a husband. I was faithful to him. I never kept anything from him. I only wish he had done the same, and I wish I had been clever enough to see it.

I am feeling nostalgic as I write this, seeing the the warm sunlight streaming in through the barred window of my room. There is no doubt that I am at the end of my life. I can feel the dark embrace of death closing, calling out to me in its sweet, seductive whispers. Thus, after much thought, I have decided that people should know my side of the story too. Not that anyone ever believed it.

The doctors have acquiesed to my request, and let me pen down my narrative. They too know that I have nothing to be afraid of now. And dear lord, I had never been afraid after that night. It was as if my nerves had been stretched to the breaking point, and had stayed that way. I had lost the feeling of fear. 

So begins the tale. No one can prove anything that I will write, believe me, I have tried. There may be a few souls who can find it in their heart to take a leap of faith, and consider the possibility that I might be speaking God's honest truth.

First of all, thanks a lot for selecting my story to read. It means the world to me, and I really hope you enjoy it.

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