'Alien' - Part 5

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"Call me Nathaniel," again, spoken gently.

"Is that your registered name?"

"It is who I am."

The answers, presented with a demeanor suggesting the utmost sincerity, sounded odd, evasive; and yet Michael could sense no pretense nor lack of candor in the presentation.

"Last name?" Michael demanded, but with an inflection showing a lessening of conviction.

"I have no other names."

"Everyone has other names." Michael stated, unintentionally sounding as if he were quibbling.

"I ...do not," came the reply, the reference to self emphasized.

Some cultures only went by one name, though this was uncommon among people of European extraction, of which Nathaniel seemed to be. A last name was not sufficient for accurate identification in any event, so for the time being Michael decided not to push the matter further at this time.

"Rank and military I.D. number then."

"I am not part of your military."

Umbrage replaced Michael's anger. Capital punishment was the penalty for spying; a lesser penalty, though still severe, was imposed for impersonating military personnel. In the present circumstances, with Earth's future at stake, if Nathaniel were masquerading as a member of the Earth forces, Michael was certain he would pay no penance for executing the older man where he stood.

"Not part of my military? Then you're a civilian?"

"No, I am a military member. I have fought in many battles and seen even more beyond those in which I have participated. Too many I'm afraid."

"But you're not part of the Earth's forces?"

"I am part of the greatest military force that has ever existed. Earth forces? No, not as you understand them. I am nevertheless charged with a protective mission of a military nature which ... is beyond your presently limited comprehension."

"Earth forces are the only military I know of. And you admit to not being a member of them, yet you're not a civilian; what other military are you talking about?"

"There are many battles taking place among many opposing forces throughout the universe and ...beyond it. I am part of those forces."

"Other forces in the universe?" Michael searched Nathaniel's eyes for a clue to his meaning, but found nothing. "And beyond it? What you are saying makes no sense unless you are speaking of alien species we haven't yet encountered. That might explain things. Are you saying that you're an alien? You're part of a race that destroyed Mercury and Venus?"

Michael's grip on his weapon grew tighter as he waited for the answer.

"No, I am not."

"Not what? Not an alien or not one of the aliens responsible for the destruction of two planets?"

"Either way. I am not an alien."

"Or, you are an alien with an aversion to the truth."

"That's for you to decide, Michael. Then again, if I'm lying on that point, then everything I say might be a deception. Perhaps you will only believe the truth once you experience it."

"Experience truth? An interesting idea that answers nothing." Michael moved the gun slightly downwards towards Nathaniel's chest, a motion made simply to remind him of who was seeking the truth and who was required to provide it.

"Where are you from Nathaniel and what are you doing here? How did you avoid the sweeps prior to evacuation?"

"Questions, questions, questions. You will have your answers in time. Everything that is known, and that which is unknown will soon be revealed."

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