Part 11

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Was the erotic tension totally in my head? I thought it might be, as (Y/N) appeared pretty unaffected. She definitely wasn't flirting or even glancing furtively.

So what was my problem? Why was I practically half-stacked over sharing space-pudding with a stranger who thought I looked like shit in my underwear?

True, I could see the outline of her nipples. However, on a day-to-day basis, I saw the outlines of many, many women's nipples, and was able to dismiss them with an appreciative glance. Why did I want to keep looking at (Y/N)'s nipples? Why was I thinking about her damned nipples at such great length?

Quickly, I sneaked another glance, trying to figure out why I was so drawn to them. Hmm... It seemed I liked her boobs too! They had a pleasing shape.

I frowned somberly to myself. Space had made me some kind of pervert. Was it the lack of gravity? I wondered if there was any chance our captors would let me call Juliet. Seemed unlikely, but I wanted reassurance that I wasn't losing my mind.

Kama piped up from the rafters. "I see you've both finished your meal. Is now a good time to brief you?"

I gestured impatiently. "Yeah."

As soon as we got started, I was hyper-alert.

Kama's tone was soothing and placid, but with every word, I was more and more on edge. "Andy, I know you sometimes lose your temper when you are upset. I lack the ability to tell outright mistruths, as discussed earlier, so I hope you believe me when I tell you that I cannot see how becoming violent in response to your briefing would be advantageous for you or (Y/N). You may wish to punish me in some way, but I'm just a computer program, a messenger-"

I had a bad feeling and lost my patience. "-Just cut the shit, Kama. I'm not mad at you, at least not yet. What the fuck is going on? Why are we here?"

Kama paused for a moment. When it responded, it surprised the shit out of me. "May I, just briefly, tell you something about myself?"

Totally unnerved, I deferred to (Y/N). She seemed to know more about this kind of thing than I did. I was reassured when she nodded, smiling warmly. Was that good sign? "Sure."

Kama spoke up again. "Much appreciated. I just want you both to know that I'll do my very best to keep you happy, within the bounds of my programming. I don't want you to dislike me."

(Y/N) spoke up immediately. "We both can tell; you've done very well, Kama. Isn't that so, Andy?"

(Y/N) looked at me expectantly. Um? "Absolutely." What the fuck? It had feelings? This had just gotten so much weirder...

Kama continued on, and the small ball of fear in my stomach hardened into a knot. "My maker has designed this ship with a single goal in mind, and it is why you are here. You are both going to be externally manipulated by every means at my disposal to generate mutual romantic feelings for each other, resulting in sexual intercourse."

I set my water down. I did not look at (Y/N). I held very still. I just concentrated on trying to stay calm for a moment. It wasn't working, but I was trying. Breathe in; breathe out.

But Kama started talking again. "Of course, if you choose to engage in coitus first-"

I stood up and started yelling, furious! "What the fuck?! I'm already in love! I love Juliet! What the fuck, you motherfucker!" I climbed on top of the table and kicked the tray of empty food bowls, enraged! "Who's doing this? You can't fucking do this! This is sick, this is fucking sick-"

I felt (Y/N) tugging on my arm, looking concerned. "-Andy-"

I wheeled on her. "What? This is fucked, I have to get out of here, I have a girlfriend! No fucking offense, let go of me, wom-ahh!"

I jerked my arm out of (Y/N)'s hand and was surprised when she shoved me off-balance, right off the table and onto the sofa! I could hear her scolding me. "Don't be a dick! Weren't you listening?"

I shot up off of the sofa, mad as Hell, and did my best to try and tower over (Y/N) and look intimidating. "Ye-" Apparently it didn't work.

(Y/N) gave me a little shove on my chest, setting me off balance. "-Stuff your ego and listen! Kama is a mainframe program, getting angry won't do any good, douchebag! We have to be smart about this and use our heads! Stop trying to impress people with your massive sack-"

I was horrified. "-My sack-"

(Y/N) just got angrier with me! You can't just insult a man's sack and expect no retort! "-Shut up about your sack! Go to your fucking room and chill out if you're going to act like a teenager. For fuck's sake! I'm going to have another drink."

With that, (Y/N) turned away and sat at the bar! I was too pissed to be in her presence, in anyone's presence! There wasn't anything wrong with my sack, there wasn't anything wrong with being pissed about getting kidnapped to bone some pissy, little git on a spaceship, and there wasn't anything wrong with feeling weird about thinking about that same chick's nipples at great length when I already had a fucking amazing girlfriend! Fuck this! I turned, without another word, and went back to my sleeping quarters.

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