Chapter 9

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Nothing serious but just a warning.***

I think I will make it my life's goal to mess with Dariston. It is so hard to get him to react that when he does, it is worth any punishment he has in mind. I am just so bored! It has been roughly four weeks since we accepted each other as mates. Every day is the same, wake up, freak out once realizing I have cuddled up to Dariston in my sleep, receive teasing from him, make breakfast, watch him hunt, make clothing from fur, etc. Usually I can slip away and bathe in the hot springs while he hunts, there is no way I will bathe in front of him.

And that is where I am now, bathing in the hot springs while Dariston hunts. Since I have no rags or soap, this time is just for me.

Why in the world would the elders make the Ritual so long? What's the point? All it creates is sexual tension for months on end with the promise of marking at the end. Which, by the way, is a terrible idea. Who's going to stop the males when they finally break and revert to primal instincts? The warriors? No, they are to step in to make sure unnecessary killing is not done, not to remind little wolves to behave.

I glance around the clearing, watching as the winter snow begins to thaw, dripping off branches, running down the stone walls encasing us in safety. The winter did not last long, it never does. They come hard and fast but burn out just as quickly, only lasting a month or two.

I decide to get out with a deep sigh, not wanting to risk being naked in the hot spring when Dariston returns. Nope. We will not have a repeat of last time that happened. Long story short, Dariston had to remove himself from the situation before things got carried away.

I hear the soft grass moving in the distance and hurriedly dress myself, Dariston is back early.

He makes his way through the entrance and I can't help but laugh. Dariston gives an unamused growl as he stomps his way through the tall grass. He is covered in mud, head to glorious toe. His shaggy hair caked to his forehead and his face almost unrecognizable beneath layers of just thick, sloppy mud.

"Gasp! That is certainly no way for a prince to be! Rolling in the mud like an untrained pup! For shame, your highness, you should know better. What are we to do with you, little one?"

He growls deep in his throat, "I am no 'little one' I can assure you."

"Well you must be because the only plausible explanation would be so." I just can't help myself. My giggles have grown to full blown laughing. He growls again but I ignore it. Suddenly, I am being lifted, covering my clean body and clothes with thick mud. I squeal out surprised, "Let go you big oaf!"

"Now now, do not worry, I have a solution!" He throws me over his shoulder and started walking. I notice his direction and start screaming at him. "Don't you DARE!!!" My incessant fists beat on his back, probably hurting him as much as a friendly pat on the back would. He suddenly stops walking and I calm down slightly in my confusion. He's just standing in front of the hot spring. He pulls me off his shoulder, sliding my body down against his, placing me on my feet, staring deeply into my eyes. He leans in and I close my eyes, ready for his kiss. His hands slide up to my shoulders.

And then he shoves.

My eyes spring open and I catch his smug smile before I fall into the hot spring.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2017 ⏰

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