Chapter 2

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***AN/ Bold italic font will be Aster speaking to Accalia in her mind. Italic font will be Accalia speaking in her mind or to Aster. Bold font will be mind links. This is what I will go by unless stated differently.***


All I feel is pain.


Calm down, it's just Lili opening the curtains.

Groaning, I roll over and yank the sheets over my head.

Why would she do such a thing Aster?!

Because it's morning, when the sun rises, and we eat.

"Wake up Accalia, breakfast is ready and you still need to get ready. You and the other unmated wolves will be leaving in about thirty minutes." Lili's soft voice gently bringing me back to the real world. She gently pulled back the covers from over me, affectively receiving the stink eye. "Oh don't be like that, get up before I get the bucket." I sprang up out of bed and down the stairs while Lili mutters, "Yeah, that's what I thought." Hearing her, I shout back from halfway down the stairs, "I'm doing this for your and the baby's own safety, Lili! We both know Aster would show no mercy!" NO MERCY ON HER SOUL!!! "Whatever gets you through the day! We both know it's for the food!" She replies. And she was absolutely right, I snickered at the thought. Always for the food.

I hastily run down the stairs, through the hall, dodging people left and right.

Why are there so many people up?

I'm telling you man, people like to eat.

Good point.

I finally make it to the dining room and see my fellow attendees dressed and ready to go, happily-or possibly savoring their last home meal, however you like to see it-munching away their breakfast. I see two vultures circling MY MEAL, fixing to devour it. "MATRIUS! FENRIS! Step away from the meaty deliciousness, known as breakfast...also known as MINE!" They both stop in their tracks and look up at me, they both give me a once over. I clear my throat and raise one brow, the nerve of these pups sometimes I swear... "You done?" They both cough to cover up their blushes and try to make excuses.

"You should probably change, Accalia. Your still in your pj's." I turn and see Callum at the top of the stairs, carrying young Lycia, who's still asleep in his arms. I look down and notice I'm still in my oversized black nightshirt that just barely reaches my mid thigh and covers my shorts, and sigh. "Food was, and still is, more important Callum. Besides, these two vultures would've eaten it all before I even had a chance to open the door of my bathroom, let alone change." Callum rolls his eyes, "Hurry and do whatever it is that you do to get 'ready' because they will be leaving in thirty minutes, and you will be going in whatever state you happen to be in when they do." He turns and walks away before I can say anything.

...Someone's cranky.

You're telling me?

Regrettably, I hurriedly scarf down my breakfast of eggs, sausage, bacon, and buttered toast. I grab a muffin and scurry back upstairs and shower quickly. I change into a pair of black leggings, a light navy blue t-shirt hoodie, shoving my feet into my white high top converse, and quickly throw my hair into a messy bun. Thankfully Lili packed my bag for me, so I just grabbed it and set it by the front door, along with the others. We will all grab our own bags and wear them when we run. The bags were specially designed to also fit our wolves so we don't have to carry it around in our mouths.

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